音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❋ What Happened in This Week

There were some faults in this week, and all of them were about my experiments: my group members and I wanted extract chloroplasts.
That experiment was so tedious. We grinded 100g leaves with the terrible-smelled grind-liquid that included mercaptoethanol. After that, we did almost ten times centrifuge. When we have done our last centrifuge, I got out the centrifugal tube. We saw from outside.
There was nothing, no sediment but only the green-stained tube wall.
“Oh, nothing, that’s failed.”
We took half of morning and whole afternoon, but we got nothing.
Well, how can we finish out experiment report?
Now, see some good thing.
Last week I have done my experiment of Cell Engineering. For some technique support, we only did the part of plant culture. We every group used 40 conical beakers, divided into 8 groups for fill each group with one medium. In the eight kinds of medium, one we got to culture rapeseeds, the others we used for tobacco culturing. After one week, they sprouted out. Except few mold infected ones, I took some beautiful photographs. We were lucky, for many groups’ got almost fully mold infected. :eye:
Another thing I must mark here.
On Wednesday, I finished my drawing of the mini-story that I mentioned before. That was only a raw draft. I plan to get them into a series picture book, by mixture with backgrounds and caption texts. Well, my story is still Japanese only; I don’t know when I can translate them into English. However, I really think I am not good at colorful writing, so that even I myself don’t think this story will be colorful – never of Japanese version or English Version. What I did was only narrating.