音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♤ 喜びたくさん・Lots of Happiness

I finally finished all the input of my picture book “petit fours.” The mini-story has the same name with a music album, which composed by Akiko Shikata, in it I also included my own images. In fact, I wanted to write a ghost story at first, but I am not good at such type. That time I tried to write little and I found I made it into a fairy tale. As a lolicon, I want to know whether my fitful story type is fairy tale. Well, let me do it well! And then, I happened to listen that Akiko Shikata’s music album; and the album’s track list made me surprised! They were so like my ideas! So that, the former picture book was born!
I took five days to write the raw story, and took some days for the picture design, then from October 15th to November 13th, I drew the pictures, till tonight I input and translated the story, and everything ended. Here the only remained thing is, to get my pictures into CGs.
Also, I set up a special website for it:
Now I am drawing the theme of Halloween. I think black cats are necessary. So this morning I drew three girls who wearing cat-ears. As a result, I felt they were so MOE(cute)! Well, that is strange. I mean, I did not like cat-ears before. Of its opposite, I came to like the cat-ears!
A pair of cat-ears and a long slender tail, these are so MoeMoe~ !
この夜、私はやっと「petit fours」という絵本を書き終わりました。この小さな物語りは志方あきこさんの同名音楽アルバムをもとにして、私自分の想像をこめて、書き上がったものです。実は元々、私は一つの怖い物語を書くつもりだったが、やっぱり私はそんなものができないのですね。ちょっと書いてみた結果、ある童話そのもの見たいものになりました。ロリコンの私のできるものはどうせ童話ぐらいですね。まあ、それなら、その童話をちゃんと書きましょう!そして、その時、志方あきこさんのそのアルバムを聞きました。驚いたことに、そのアルバム曲目は私のアイディアとそっくり似ていました。ですから、さっき言った絵本がこうして誕生しました。