音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❆ Amoxicillinが役立った

Some days ago (Nov. 23), I felt my throat pained and as I know, it might be a pre-symptom of cold. Oh, NO! I can’t get cold in such time! Therefore, I have to take any medicine. I remember that last time when I took medicine (amoxicillin) was in last year, Dec. 16. Maybe everyone would take cold at the period. Anyway, I took 3-day’s amoxicillin and my throat did not pain any more, and all my cold-symptom went. In short, thanks to amoxicillin, now I’m fit.
Here I have some words. DO NOT use any antibiotic in usual, for it maybe make a big problem finally. In other words, they might have got to zero-effect, when you would need them to help you. If you get my words, you can take antibiotics safely.