音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♤ Gravity?

Today, at our experiment course, we would isolate the active substance from Stellera chamaejasme L. Finally, we finished the work from 9 am to 2 pm. Then we needed to do a TLC (thin layer chromatography) to certain a fit condition for further column chromatography. Therefore, we dotted our samples onto a glass plate with capillaries, and got the glass plate into the developing solvent.
The glass plates which we used were only thumb-size ones, so the speed of developing solvent was not slow. However, Mi-chan, who is one in our group, might think it was not so fast yet, so she asked:
“Why its speed is so slow?”
“It can be thought as very fast. ” Before I told her that, LV-kun, who is one in our group too, answered her:
At first, I was little shocked. Is there any relation between chromatography and gravity? Nevertheless, I got his mean soon.
Mi-chan, LV-kun, and another grouper Shiro-kun, and me, all laughed.
The little joke made our dull experiment more interesting. I feel lucky that the experiment time of we-in-four is always very interesting.
今日の実験はStellera chamaejasme L.という植物からその活性物質を単離する。朝9時から午後2時まで、一応の単離をやっと完成し。これから薄層クロマトグラフィー(TLC, thin layer chromatography)であとのカラムクロマト(Column Chromatography)の条件を判断するはずだった。そして私たちはサンプルをガラス板に毛細管で点をして、ガラス板を展開溶媒に置いた。