音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

★ Elf of Full Moon (EN)

し  神秘なる満月の夜深し
Shi  In the late night that had a full moon
か  影投げる深遠な森の奥
ka  At the most middle of the forest, shadowed
た  漂っていたのはエルフの詩
ta  There, the songs from an elf was drifting
あ  あらゆる色集え紡ぎて綴った
A  Gathered all colors, the songs got spun and spelt
き  綺麗な透明なる精霊の心は
ki  The elf’s beautiful and transparent heart was
こ  このまま眠れずに囁いた
ko  Softly whispering, constantly
-- Pieces for Akiko Shikata –
In the wide music world, there is an elf. What her colorful timbres spun out, is the infinite fantastic melody, the clear paean passes through the full moon sky.
The elf’s name is Akiko Shikata.
The first I met her, was when I saw the jacket of “RAKA” at a blog. In the deep night, there is a round, bright moon. Under that was a long way toward Holy Land, which many high pillars stands by. There the elf is praying (and that is true that the white gossamer, which hanging on Shikata’s arms, looks like an elf’s wings).
As soon as I saw this jacket, I wondered that what kind of music in the album should be.
Therefore, I listened to “RAKA.”
Therefore, I came to love the composer which name is Akiko Shikata.
Year 2001 “緑の森で眠ル鳥 (The Bird Sleeping in Deep Forest)”
It is her first mini-album, which released by her own expense. In the album, we can find out the feeling that different from usual POP-style. We can find out her strong self-style even at her present works. In other words, we cannot find other such folk-style except from Shikata’s OWN works; of course, her classic style is the same. Such wonder we can feel clearer especially in the way of her arrangement. Moreover, her voice sounds very quartz-like, the album became very popular after it released.
I like “Notte” best in this mini-album. The using of Italian made the song more beautiful; the using of drums and other decorating tones got the same effect too. I also like its hurry rhythm. “サクリファイス(Sacrifice)” is good too; and I like the voice harmony very much.
Year 2002 “Petit Fours” and all other Music Box CD Series
So far, there are three CDs in the series: “Petit Fours” (2002), “VIRIDIAN” (2004), and “Wisteria” (2005).
The music box made CD is very rare. The CDs’ tracks also can be seen as Shikata’s compose original material. Many pieces from them were recomposed to songs. For instance, “西風の贈り物 (Gift from Zephyr),” “Notte (Night),” “花帰葬 (Flowers Burying),” etc. These tracks are very lovely, no matter whether they have been recomposed to songs.
People sometimes will get a music box as present, to give other happiness. Only if music box’s sound is flowing, blessing will fill your heart.
Year 2003 “廃墟と楽園 (Ruins And Heaven)”
It is another CD that released by her own expense. This album sounds very splendid because many songs used Italian. The song that has the same name with this album, “廃墟と楽園 (Ruins And Heaven),” made a good mark of maintaining the First on MUZIE for 24 months. What a good job she did! These songs or their softness gave me such an image: bright sunshine is dancing everywhere in an early spring blue sky.
Of all songs in this album, I like “MARE (Italian, it means Sea)” best. Here I will repeat what I have said: its harmony is beautiful. What the strongest impression is the overlapping voice of whole harmony, which sounds as if waves surging. What is more, the swaying melody effect is like sea waves too, and they gushing in listeners’ hearts. Such feeling reminded me a sense of nature.
Year 2005 “Navigatoria”
Although it is her “debut” album, we all know that it is not her real “debut.” Compare to last “Ruins And Heaven,” it is more mysterious. This time what my impression of it is, in the silent night sky, in the middle of forest, on the surface of wide sea, shadows are swaying. In my opinion, I do not think this album is better than “Ruins,” even though that some songs are beautiful if listening to them one by one. Why I think so may be that, there is not a single “topic” through all songs.
What I like are:
“Navigatoria,” liking its delicate and dim atmosphere;
“睡恋 (Sleeping Love; something more, the pronouncing of title in Japanese is ’Suiren,’ which also means the ‘water lily’),” liking Shikata’s voice color;
“西風の贈り物 (Gift from Zephyr) ,” liking its Italian style;
“花帰葬 (Flowers Burying) ,” liking its lyrics and arrangement;
“Makeda ~ Queen of Sheba ~,” I especially like its foreign feeling!
Year 2006 “RAKA”
That was our meet. When I heard the entire album, I only described it just by “colorful.”
That is real. The word “colorful” must be the best word to describe “RAKA.” Because of its colorful songs, even though you maybe have heard it many times, you will not loss your interest in another time of listening. I say like that because of my real experience. I ever listened to it all the day. (laugh)
I do not have any favored song. I mean, I love all songs in the album.
Here I cannot say too much about it, so I will only talk some of them simply.
 “金環蝕 (Annular Eclipse),” it has a strong power of life;
  “春告げ~Raggi di primavera (Spring Informing),” it is another Italian style song, and it listens very blessing!
  “まほろば (Good Place),” it is a East style song. Its arrangement can give listener a nice spirit.
  “蒼碧の森 (The Dark Green Forest),” it is a silent song, which can make listener fell ease.
  “祈り~モンラム~ (Pray),” a Tibet style song, and Shikata sang is in Tibet language too. TIBET language…even its lyrics also printed in Tibet language… Ah~ Shikata~ how you wonderful are;
  “うたかたの花 (Flower of Bubble),” here I got a feeling that is like “花帰葬”;
  “晴れすぎた空の下で (Under Such A Shining Sky),” this song is filled with thick sense of folk song. I want to praise once and once again! The violin and other string instruments, which used in arrangement is so marvelous!
  “AVE MARIA” F. Schubert’s famous song, I will not waste words here;
  “謳う丘 -EXEC_HARVESTASYA/.- (The Eulogizing Ridge) ,” finally, the creating language that used in a game has come to apparent. And, that is the widely said song, in which mixed about 150 tracks. Look! That is 150 tracks. 150!!! A very extraordinary force is born in this song!
That is what “RAKA” is like. Certainly, the word “colorful” is fit for its describing.
Colorful, umm, “RAKA” is very colorful.
Year 2006 & 2007 PS2 game “アルトネリコ (Ar Tonelico)” theme song, etc.
You can pass the game, but you cannot pass the four CDs from it; that is very regret. At least, you should listen to all the songs whose singer is Shikata (So I am such a person).
Here I want to refer two songs of them:
「EXEC_CHRONICLE_KEY/.」 (January 25, 2006; from “星詠~ホシヨミ [Star’s Poem]”)
「EXEC_with.METHOD_METAFALICA/.」 (October 23, 2007; from “焔~ホムラ [Flame]”)
I will not write any more about them (for I have got tired). What you should do is, listening to them silently, so that you will know what is called “shaking,” definitely.
“The colorful songs weaved via multiple recording, of the statelessness healing songstress.”
Akiko Shikata. Infinite feeling is flowing out of your songs, and your songs are elf’s melody. Only the free melody is flying in your music kingdom, only your fantasies can spell the decorated harmony. Your songs are the holy, eternal pieces, which fly through the full moon night, and towards the blessing fiesta.
-- Some Pieces for Akiko Shikata THE END —
し  しんぴなるまんげつのよるふかし
Shi  Shinpinaru mangetsu no yoru fukashi
か  かげなげるしんえんなもりのおく
ka  Kage nageru shin’en’na mori no oku
た  ただよっていたのはエルフのうた
ta  Tadayotteita nowa Erufu no uta
あ  あらゆるいろつどえつむぎてつづった
A  Arayuru iro tsudoe tsumugite tsudutta
き  きれいなとうめいなるせいれいのこころは
ki  Kireina tomeinaru seirei no kokorowa
こ  このままねむれずにささやいた
ko  Konomama nemurezuni sasayaita