音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❋ a petit update~

Omg, I haven’t updated for weeks! Busy days. XD
Just finished a paper assignment that’s due on Dec. 14, but I haven’t even started to work on another one that’s due on Dec. 8. Anyhow, the main reason of why I did like that is there will be a presentation that is needed to be based on the Dec. 14 one… OTL… >_>
So, why suddenly I decided to update here?
Hmm… some reasons. But the main one should be that I need to backup the way of output a file directory in a txt file I just know.
Run -> type “cmd”
Use “cd” to choose the folder; use “[drivename]:” to change the drive.
Type “dir /s /o >[path of the desired output txt file]\[filename].txt” (it’s for VISTA/WIN7)
Then, you done~ :3
For me, I found my output file was a 1049kb txt file for the whole music folder (yet I still haven’t arranged my newly got music in another folder, orz… >_>)
Talk about others. Recently I finally tried OPERA UNITE, and it’s really nice and fun. I love it so much, especially the fridge and the whiteboard!!
Also, I decided to use FLAC format for lossless music since now. That means, I need to convert piles of my music… Fortunately, I can batch-convert in JetAudio~
KOKIA’s new iTunes release “single mother/クリスマスの響き” is so nice! Driving me in tears… T__T I WANNA COVER “single mother”!!!
I want to change my youtube channel, and link to my blog, under the tag “cover.” Because I want to get rid off all my previous (crappy) covers and RESTART! I also don’t think youtube has a good look like my blog, and I don’t like manage too many different places/comments… I like everything being integrated into one. Like google, although I’m not a chrome support. (hey, youtube belongs to google! lol)
I’m addicted to Bizet’s “Carmen,” and Mozart’s “Le Nozze di Figaro” again.
Okies… what else?
I need to know what happened in my lab work, it doesn’t work like what I expected…
I’m attending to a pre-Xmas party in the next week, so I have to write more, faster!!! Or I’ll miss the deadline! But I AM striking to write this blog post! LOL
Busy, busy, busy life. Haha~
At last… it’s already a page (in MS WORD), is it still a petit update?