音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♢ I’m totally touched…

I’ve mentioned before, I’m addicted to KOKIA’s newest release: “single mother/クリスマスの響き (Christmas no hibiki).” I especially love the first song, “single mother.”
I love the clean arrangement: it’s mainly piano, together with a soft drum beat and a silent guitar. They made a peaceful, warm, sweet, sad song, full of love, and so touching. It drove me in tears, once and once again.
Finally, I decided to write down and translate its lyrics, by myself, with my heart. (I also want to do other songs, but I’m busy now ^^
I can’t say it’s the best version; it’s just our rendering of this song. We’re not translators, anyways. XD
♪single mother
lyrics by KOKIA
transcribed and directly translated by Kiyoko
modified by wintersviolet
年を重ねるたびに思う 私を育てた母のこと
普通の暮らしを守るために どんなに大変だったかと
大人になって分かったこと 大人がみんな立派なわけじゃない
思い描いた家族じゃないと 何も知らずにひどいことを言った
勝手に家を飛び出していたときも 黙って待っていてくれた
この歳になって強く思う 当たり前に過ごしてきた日は
あなたがそっと守り続けた 私への愛 愛をありがとう
母の留守の間にそっと 荷物を取りに帰ったときのこと
幼い日から今日までの私の 写真が壁を覆っていたこと
ろくに話もしなくなった 私の写真を眺めては
毎晩 ひとり 何を思っていたの
あなたが私にくれたものは 言葉ではたりないものばかり
心の奥にあるこの気持ち 伝えきれない
この歳になって強く思う 当たり前に過ごしてきた日々
あなたがそっと守り続けた 愛をありがとう ずっと ありがとう…
思い描いた家族じゃなくても ママが私のママでよかった
when another year goes by, I think back on my mother and my childhood
I reflect on how hard it was to have an ordinary life
later, I realised, that not all people can do things well
"That's not the family I imagined,” I said cruelly, though I knew nothing
but you're still here at my side, mama
every time I left home, you waited patiently
then said, "Because you're my daughter."
now that I am older, I know that I lived so many ordinary days
because your love quietly shielded me. thank you for your love…
One day, you weren't there when I came home to collect my things
You had covered the wall with photos of me
and as I looked at them, I couldn't make a sound
what runs through your mind?
I couldn't hold back my tears
what you gave me is something that I can't describe with words
and now, I'm telling my overwhelming feelings from the bottom of my heart
now that I am older, I know that I lived so many ordinary days
because your love quietly shielded me. I'll always thank you for your love…
although it's not the family I've always imagined… I'm glad you're my mama