音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♧ 最終上映/last show

This drawing was inspired by KOKIA's song "最終上映 ([saishou jouei], which means [final screening]". I loved this song immediately after I listened to it! ♥
So I thought, what kind of image can fit that song? The background should be very unstable, I mean imaginary. The character should have something like that in an old film (for me, the "something" was an old-styled [?] parasol. But I'm not sure if the one in my drawing is really like an old-styled parasol... ^^
After the main drawing work, I was thinking about the designing overall. I added film frame strips at both sides of the picture, and adjusted the colour of the background (the original colour was very dark jujube colour) picture I found in my picture pool.
About clothing. I didn't think much and just drew as what I thought at that time. But later, some people told me it reminds them "Card Captor Sakura". Well, look at the colour again... that's... so true. lol