音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✿ I won't change again (probably)

This is my third OFFICIAL My Opera account (I have more two accounts but they're just used for testing). The reason for me to change my account again, was… I want this username.
Only that?
Yes, only this… I can't help. I really love this username.
Everything began from my email account changing. That was also my third official email account. In January, the Hymmnos albums "Ar Tonelico III" were released. I was immediately infatuated with KOKIA's "EXEC_COSMOFLIPS/.". That song was really an epic!
A few days ago, for some propose, I wanted to email someone with an address that no one knows. Thus, I'd got to make a new one. I firstly wanted to use my computer's name, which is "kosmoton". However, … that username was unavailable!!!??? How come? I've never thought that name was not unique. Then, I had to think up for a new name.
What should I use?
KOKIA… use one title of her songs would be nice. But what? Suddenly, I remembered "cyouwa", which means "harmony", but my thought was switched quickly to another name, which was very nice too, that was, "cosmoflips".
Very nice, no?
But, again, that was not available!!!??? Someone has registered that name earlier!! OMG!!! I was a bit frustrated, that name was so nice, but I can't use it… Well, why not try to modify the name? To change the "c" to "k" would be a good idea. In German, lots of words have a "k" instead of a "c"! And, Lucky! The "k" one is alive!! So, my new email address was born like this.
But the story was just begun. Since I love this song so much, as well as its title, for days I can't stop thinking about the nice name, and the idea to pervade every online nook I like with this username was floating up little by little. Yet that was just an idea, I did nothing really with the new username but changing my youtube account since the former one was tied up with my old email address and thus I couldn't change the logging email account.
At that time, I was playing around a Japanese Internet service: Ninja Tools. They have a series of nice service including homepage, blog, counter, analyzer, etc. Different from other service, they supply a bunch of domain names, and I did find some domain names I very like. However, I've never wanted to make a personal homepage, because 1) I'm lazy, 2) I don't know what to put into the homepage, and 3) I have an almost-homepage-like blog.
Then, I tried their blog service. Still, there're many domain names to be chosen. I got one: noir.go-th.net. Fits me, no? Such a nice name! It also supports javascript, which is not supported by my current blog host. I also dug up lots of nice blog templates (well, Japanese blog templates are most very nice and cute). The domain name, the all-supporting feature, and the template…
I was almost going to switching using that blog. But… I didn't want to leave MYO. After 3 days of struggling on whether or not to change, I decided to change finally.
I looked at my MYO blog again. Everything was so nice. What I especially love are the "archive" page, the BBCode-like blogging box, the horizontal menu, and the album service.
But… THAT domain name is so nice…………
I thought I should compare the two.
MyOpera: I started to use since 2006, custom CSS is supported, the BBCode-like editing way can avoid html messing, the album, the archive page, the about page, the menu bar, etc. But, the domain name is a bit long, and it has no javascript and complicated html code supporting.
Ninja Tools: I fell in love with it soon after I tried it, so it's really nice, CSS is supported too, it supports all html codes, it has nice domain names, but I don't like the functional html editor for posting, and it has no archive page, no about page, no sticky post (at least I didn't find out), no horizontal menu bar.
In all, functionally, I love MYO; of appearance, I prefer Ninja Tools.
Function is the more important!
I didn't dislike my current Opera username, that's unique to me. But it's not as cool as the ninja domain. To convince myself not leaving MYO (it was true that I was even going to write a farewell post), I must have a cooler username.
You know the end. You've known the story about my new email address.
Within two days, I moved all my posts from both of my MYO accounts into the new one. Then, I added all my art works, deviantART logs, youtube cover logs, and also fixed some broken links.
That was hard, but I finished.
I was very, very satisfied.
I'm still staying on MYO, I really love it. I tried to change (I also planned to sing the song "time to say goodbye" by KOKIA for it), but finally, I'm here, with all my stuff in my new comfortable nest. From now on, not only I'm blogging into a new, cool address, I need not to add links to my other online places.
Everything has been linked together.
I don't want to move again, no matter how nice that service is. I'll just stay here, enjoy my simple, neat, and adorable blog service.
Or can you think up an even cooler username?