音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✽ Rainy Soul

Rainy soul, I wrote this phrase into my blog subtitle a few days ago. I just suddenly realized this word fits myself perfectly… and thus, I remembered the song by GARNET CROW.
Rainy Soul.
It happened recently when I paid more attention to this song, since I began my super crazy listening to GC's music. The album which "Rainy Soul" belongs to was released in last year, but at that time, I only loved "ON THE WAY" like mad… (gosh, I'm a bit off topic…).
I love rainy days, I like to stay alone, and my soul is always calm and quiet. I like to imagine being in a weekend afternoon, with the soft sound of raindrops falling down to the ground; there is the scent of grass outside, gentle breeze blows into the room where I am; people in other houses turn on the light in turn, the sky turns darker and darker. The world is in an endless serenity, with me being its very centre…
Way too fantastic, no? ^^;
Not only my imagination, the aura of the song fits my soul. I believe it very much. The melody, the lyrics, the calm tempo, the intense vocal, the rich arrangement… plus, GARNET CROW is one of Japanese artists I knew when I just entered into the Jpop world!
-The music-
I like the darkish and depressing ambience of the song. Piano and bass introduce a soft tempo by drums. Yuri's voice is just as low as that in other typical GC songs. Yet, in the middle, her voice is getting more intense, and so is the tempo. In the second phrase, what I like best is the sound of piano hovering over Yuri's vocal (when she sings "warabe uta kasukani"). In the climax part, from the lyrics, I think the real conception of the song is coming out, and soon, this song ends in the same darkish and depressing ambience, just like the beginning.
-The Words-
I spent some time on understanding the lyrics, and I love it. Azuki Nana tends to use some "special" words in her lyrics – in this lyrics, she made "ningen (human)" as "hito (person)", "Mirai (future)" as "Shiawase (happiness)", "hankyou (echo)" as "naru (echo)", and so on. Although some words have basically the same meaning under the two different ways of reading them, some do not. This feature makes them unique and thus gives GC the reputation out of those mediocre Jpop artists.
I'm so glad that I found the song fits my soul that well.
I tried to translate the lyrics… using my careless translation power again :D
"Rainy Soul"
Lyrics: Azuki Nana
Music: Yuri Nakamura
Arrangement: Hiroto Furui
* Parts in parentheses have the literal meaning, which is according to what I mentioned about Azuki Nana's unique way of writing.
月夜に響き出した 狂った旋律のピアノ
The crazy melody of piano rushes out of the moonlit night,
Enticing me in sleep.
意味もなく 不安にさせる
With no meaning yet making me anxious,
Your cold eyes are on me anymore.
Rainy Soul
Rainy Soul
Don't think about how you feel tomorrow,
This is human, which not be able to make promise.
Rainy Soul
Rainy Soul
Sometimes, I am attracted by your life,
Which is depending on even loneliness.
物音ひとつない午後 童歌 微かに
In a silent afternoon, I hear a folksong echoing slightly,
“トオリャンセ…” さぁ、さぁ…
"Tohryanse…" come on, come on…
Rainy Soul
Rainy Soul
If you are there,
I can still pray for the happiness (future).
Rainy Soul
Rainy Soul
何も欲しがらぬ その瞳で
Your eyes are telling you need nothing,
Yet I know you fear something…
Tell me…
誰も知らない 誰も見えない戦場をゆくのね
You're going to the battlefield that is not known by anyone, and cannot been seen by anyone,
And you pray for your victory that no one can realize.
Your world
Is reflecting your soul again.
Rainy Soul
Rainy Soul
I believe it exists when we're attracted by each other,
If we know people are just people.
Rainy Soul
Rainy Soul
Even only when you're hurt,
If you believe you need love,
I am there (It exists).