音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❀ The First Fighting for Making Sushi - 寿司作りに初挑戦!!

I guess it was just in last week, we talked about sushi during lunch, and one mentioned that he had a friend used to work in a sushi restaurant – making sushi is not like what you thought: cook the rice and roll it into nori. No no no! You need to mix sugar, and some sauce with the rice, or you cannot get the unique taste of the sushi you eat in restaurants.
Ahh, I think I got the key to make sushi. Before, I used to make rice balls as well as rice rolls – well,now I have to call them rice rolls, though they were supposed to be called sushi…
But they just could not. I did not add the sauce that can make them become real sushi.
And finally I knew how to use the sushi-zu (Sushi vinegar) I bought in Asian market. Okay, why not try to make some sushi?
Thus, in this afternoon, I started my first challenge of making sushi – I would like to call it as a fighting – it really was!
Basically, you just need to cook the rice, and mix with sushi-zu. Since I had completely no idea on what to put inside the sushi – I did cook some salmon but that was not for sushi, I thought up my crab meat and fried eggs. Anyway, I believe, no matter what you put into, the most important thing was to try if the way of mixing rice and vinegar works and if I can roll with nori well. Thus I used crab meat and fried eggs.
Then it came the problem: it was my first time to roll the sushi, and… how could I put rice onto the sushi roller first instead of onto a sheet of nori? orz … So I got the roller very sticky – oh, by the way, I do not know if it is the reason, that the rice became rather stickier before I mixed it with sushi-zu. I was almost got stuck with the sticker rice; it was so hard to put them onto the nori evenly! Also, the position of putting the integrant was hard too. The nori, yes, another problem, it was too thin to remain unbroken after I rolled it… eventually, I ended up with adding another layer of nori, which was not that easy to stick onto the inside layer… However, that was not all: to cut the sushi was hard. I did not get how come the nori became that sticky to be cut easily. I firstly tried to cut one long roll into eight pieces, but if I did so, the pieces were like to be collapsed. I had to cut them into six pieces instead, which made my sushi looked very fatty! Just with it can get better in my future fighting! XD
Well, the trophy of today's fighting for making sushi!