音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❋ DN diary ver. 10.10.16 – I'm NOT lazy… yet!!

Not be lazy anymore, I have to write something about the game I am currently addicted to!!!
- Preface -
As you might have known, I have been playing the Korean online game "Dragon Nest" for several weeks. I do love it. Actually, it is my first large game – before, I only play minesweeper, FeedingFrenzy, dx-ball, and some other GAL games, orz…
Anyway, for the reason, hmmm… I have no idea how many times I should thank KOKIA for her EPIC song "Road to Glory~for Dragon Nest". For the first time, I knew the existence of this game. However, I would not know more if I did not read KOKIA's blog. She wrote a lot there about her game playing: her character is a warrior called "kokio", which is more like a male name, etc, etc… I had no hesitance to order her mini-album "long journey" when I realized the online-store can ship items world-widely (for free!!). I need to emphasis that, at that time, I know little about the game itself.
And then, I got my copy, limited version, with a trail version of Dragon Nest, Japanese version. I tried to play it for several times, and thought I would love to play it. So I followed the link that redirected you to the Japanese official website of DN. Then… tragically, I could not play that game because my IP was outside of Japan!!! orz…
I browsed online, and found that the Chinese version is not blocking people from outside of China. Oh, superb! I installed the CN version happily and thus began my own long journey.
- Luminora -
Luminora, my first character, a sorceress.
To be honest, I was thinking on if I should use names of characters from my own snail-paced writing story. Maybe I should not. But I was not willing to think a new name, and just used this one. I love this name. You may see something from this name: luminous – light.
It may just be my fate to be a sorceress – I chose the sorceress when playing the Japanese trail version too! I love fantasy stories, and I love people with magic power. I also read about the skill of sorceress online, and knew that she can get an advanced job being either an element lord or a force user – force user… after reading the skills, ohh, that's pretty cool! I chose this class without any other thinking.
Following the story line, I made her became a force user. Yet, I did not know much about the sp, and sadly I mis-used lots of sp so my sorceress could not learn enough new skills for being a good force user…
After a lot of thinking, I deleted this character on last Sunday, when she was at level 22…
Bye-bye, Luminora.
- Wanna Live Longer? -
Before I deleted my first sorceress, I created all other classes cause I wanted to see what kind of skills they have, and play another story line (there are two towns for beginners [lv1-9], archer and warrior are from the same town, whereas sorceress and cleric are from the other). For warrior, I would have to say I have no sense about this character (I KNOW KOKIA IS PLAYING THIS CHARACTER!!! PLZ FORGIVE ME!!!!! orz)… for archer, no much of sense either, but the character design of archer is very cute!
Now, I will introduce my new dear child: Elefseja, a cleric.
There was a side story for me to name my cleric like this. In the story line for sorceress and cleric, there is a NPC-cleric who has the same name as a friend of mine, which gave me much of fun. When I created the cleric character, I could not stop thinking using his name for mine as well. But it would be way too weird if I did so. As a result, I used his last.fm account name, which was taken from a SH story character. xDD
When played a bit with the cleric, I realized how powerful/strong this class is. As my previous experience, a sorceress can lose her blood faster and thus can be killed if your playing skill is not very good. But, oh man, my cleric can not be killed that easily! His first death was at lv13, when we were playing in abyss (the hardest) mode. Cool, cleric! (also, seriously, cleric is the most handsome character among all four classes lol)
I have changed my last.fm profile avatar to my cleric, after he got his advanced job for being a priest. And my friend (who has the same name as the NPC I mentioned before) said, it's so strange to see a GUY on your avatar!
It may be strange, but I just love my cleric!!! :3
My new last.fm profile avatar: my handsome cleric :P
- Revive -
I have mentioned that I created all four classes after the deletion of my first character. I paused my playing with the warrior because no much of interest. I also paused my playing with the archer, because the job-changing was soooo difficult. Someone wrote that he/she passed it at the first time, but I just could not. I do not know why. I think I am just not good for being an archer. So, see you later (maybe), Erika (the name of my archer) and Akiko (the name of my warrior).
So I could pay more attention to build my brand new sorceress. I still called her "Luminora", but differently, I used Katakana instead of using the Latin letters. The same name and the same design, my sorceress was revived! I had known how to use the sp better, so this time, I must make a good force user!
I think she is, really. She had less times of death than the previous one. Oh, go go, my sorceress! :D
- Let's Dance!!!-
When you get leveled up, extra emotions will be added. Two of them are dances. For each class, they have a unique dance, and for all of them, they have the same dance #2. I guess the system wants players to dance together, thus they gave the same dance for all classes. For the first kind of dance, I have to say I like three of them but not the archer's. I tried to let my archer dance and forced her to stop because I was laughing to death!!
If you want to watch, you may youtube them, I don't wanna record mine. XD
However, the second dance is a bit funny, but still fine. Yet, the funniest experience of this dance was a few days ago, we (two warriors and another priest and I) were playing in abyss mode. Before we transferred to beat the final boss, one warrior asked us to wait for a while, because he needed to add some power. Ohh, fine, we stopped at the transfer gate and waited. But then, the other priest switched to "peace mode". Firstly I thought he might just want to sit down, like some other players usually do when they are waiting. Unexpectedly, he was dancing!!! Just before our facing of the final boss!!!!! orz… I was like "…" but it was so… LOOL
Here I must introduce you a fan-made dance. This is just awesome!
Source link: http://news.mmosite.com/content/2010-08-13/fan_made_dragon_nest_rainism_mv,1.shtml
- Back to the origin, music, music, oh dear! -
As what I said, no KOKIA's "Road to Glory", no my playing of Dragon Nest. Her "Daybreak" is also a very excellent song. For me, no matter what game I play, I just mute all system sounds and listen to my own music instead. It is the same for Dragon Nest. At first, I was looping KOKIA's "Road to Glory" and "Daybreak" while playing, but later, I switched to play classical music like mad (I have my long, long term goals on last.fm!). I actually do not mind what kind of music I listen to while playing, but it was REALLY not that matching to play such a RPG with Mozart's sweet melodies…. Oh, well… ^^;
Okay… now, I think I should probably stop. On next Monday the third chapter of the game will be available. However, I cannot enjoy it yet because it is all about over Lv32. I will just play my sorceress and cleric now, and I will probably record some battles I join and post them. Just for fun, my skill is not good at all! XD