音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✿ On G+!

I just got onto Google+ yesterday. It's like FaceBook but it's much neater than FB. I love the design and the most important thing, it's Google based! I'm a big Google fan, of course! :3
However, now I'm still confused how should I use Google+, because I don't use FB that much at all. Plus, Google has a few other similar services, like orkut (don't use) and buzz (only used for shared reader stuff). Okay, I confess that I'm not a person who likes social communicating services too much. But, my problem is, I do love the interface of G+ and want to use it. OTL
Also, recently, I suddenly want to write something about my game life on DragonNest, since my screen caps folder has got more than 200 pictures. Time to clean and organize them! I always want to find a good image service that allows you upload images and people can view them in original size. But except those blog services, most microblog-like services will shrink the images and even I myself can't see the full size. That's not what I wanted! So far, after many times of searching, I gave up the idea to find out a good image service. Instead, I want to just use wordpress for uploading images (3GB and supports for hotlink), and then post them to... where? I'm not sure yet. It may be plurk, since it supports for multi images in one "thread", but plurk's interface looks too small to an image based "microblog". Though somehow I don't mind it, since you can enlarge the image and the original link will show below it.
Yet I want to use G+!!! LOL
I still need to have a good content balance between twitter, plurk, g-buzz, and G+. Okay, I know I'm really bad at using these, and maybe it's really the time to completely get rid of services that I don't use at all.
So, first I'd like to throw away twitter. It's such a dull service: limited text, bad interacting functions... the only think I like from twitter is the widget, which is decent enough to put into my blog.
Plurk, I do like its interface, but it has an ugly widget (if you're not logged in, there will be a red bar above the widget that destroy the entire balance of my blog colour scheme. *dies*)
Now, only G+ and G-buzz are left (which is normal since I'm a google fan xD). The issue is I don't know how to treat them differently. The only difference to me is the place to post. Currently, I'm linking my google reader shared items to g-buzz. I think I'll keep this, and also integrate things I used to post on twitter (especially things I saw online) into g-buzz.
The last one, the newest G+, alright, now it's time for my to-be-organized DN images. xD If g-buzz is the collection of stuff I see online from others, G+ should be a collection of my own stuff. Just a collection, not blog posts. So, G+ will probably become my online scrap book and contain mostly funny scr-caps and quick daily phrases.
How it will be? I don't know yet. I've deleted my twitter widget from my blog, and now, time to enjoy G+ and G-buzz more!!! Hope I can post my ~200 DN scr caps to G+ ASAP (ideally should done in this week, but who knows? :3)
What? You ask about my FB? That's already discarded months ago! lol