音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❋ On G+ (2), and other online updates

As what I wrote in my last post, I began to use Google plus a few days ago. I'm not good at using social communication services, yet this time, I want to give myself a change -- Google is just awesome, and this is the simple reason for me to make the decision.
However, since my last post, I did change my mind about the usage of different services. Too many services will only make people crazy on deciding where to put what and then jumping around and wasting time. So, eventually, my google buzz, plurk, and twitter were stopped officially (as well as my Facebook, though I didn't care it much from the very beginning). Anyway, my g-buzz only contains stuff from my G-reader; plurk and twitter, it's so hard to use them separately since their functions are so similar, though so far, both of them look like places for people to spam. orz Therefore, there's no need to use them on this point.
Now the problem is kind of solved -- only G+ was left, and that's the thing I'll keep using. As for how to use it and what to post there, I'm still not that sure; it's really my first time to decide using such a service. But, we'll see. Just hope I won't stop using it quickly. :P
Also, for the game DragonNest that I'm playing. Before I wanted to put all screen caps onto G+, but now, I have made another tumblr microblog to put all my screen caps, so that my G+ won't be like a game image warehouse. After putting all images there, it's so easy to find out a special picture (FOR ME, I know people won't understand what I'm going to express unless I explain more!); I feel so good now for getting such a sweet game diary~ xD
Here I'll leave the address:
my google plus:
my microblog for DN screen caps:
Add me if you want. :3