音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♧ I laughed so badly that my stomach hurt!

It's me writing, who is very satisfied by her long straight hime-cut, and who recently mainly lives in a not-more-than-three-track-to-loop-per-day life style. NOT MORE THAN THREE TRACKS. I'm not kidding. Even I myself am impressed by my long-time non-changed looping. I would be appreciating if that huge crazy looping history could be recorded to my lastfm account. Unfortunately, that's impossible
It's rather more impossible to me to use an ipod anyway. :nap:
I was planning to write for this year's C82, but, apparently I'm not in the mood right now.
I'm in a super anime mode recently.
I've rewatched several animes that I liked years ago, or that I didn't watch carefully enough. Among them, I got some containing audio tracks in English. It's not that bad than what I thought--I would say those audio tracks are actually good. But, my willing to compare between English and Japanese can't beat myself as a voice-mania--I don't really expect fan-made subtitles can win over official translation. As a result, I keep original sound and watch with subtitles, when it comes to somewhere I wonder about a proper expression, I switch and play that scene again (sounds tedious, huh?). Yet, I do enjoy a lot and feel that how cheap English is--yes, cheap, especially if you know how many ways to say "I" in Japanese--or, I'm actually saying how impossible 100% accurate translation is! xD
Anyhow, despite animes, I also got pulled back into TopGear world. Still that statement, I don't have any interest in cars, but I enjoy TG as a good entertainment a lot.
And that was this image, which made me starting to watch TG again:

I do believe there is no need to explain it as long as you've watched enough TG. :tea:
So tonight, as a good memory for returning into TG world,

I laughed so badly that my stomach hurt!
TG will also be a super choice for me because I'm watching Higurashi and will watch Umineko, which I don't really dare to touch during night with full-screen mode on. I'm just that type--the more being afraid, the more interest to continue. orz