音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❀ KOKIA: History + Noriko: vierge automatique

Due to my laziness, this is another delayed post, though the delay made me combining two pieces of content together.
I'm now basically in seventh heaven (my wallet isn't though).
KOKIA - History

Official Page
Even though I can't go to KOKI-live for real, I'm so happy that this will be in my collection soon! I knew that in last Friday, and was thus in super KOKIA mode. I looped "Road to Glory" for 200+ times in a row on that night--so I regained KOKIA being the first position of my new last.fm chart. (the first one was Annabel's "blind hunger", which I didn't even believe. How could that song be my No.1!! Though I do love that song. xD)
Here is a digest video of that concert DVD (and I don't know if it will be expired in future, if KOKIA wants to delete it):

"調和", "人間ってそんなものね", "世界を包む Ribbon in our heart"... look at them, all my favorite songs! I'll be looking forward this! :3
Noriko Mitose - vierge automatique~擬似少女楽園廃墟II~

Official Page
EVENTUALLY, Noriko you resumed this work!! QAQ
She ever mentioned about "II" 4 years ago, which was in 2008. At that time, I didn't even know Noriko! However, I never heard anything new since that post until this February. I was just happy that Noriko remembered that old project. Yet she had been enjoying having lives since the end of last year till now--all her recent blog posts were about her lives--I even thought she forgot that again. Anyway, that's awesome that this album has been confirmed to release on September 20th~
About its special page. I checked it in July, and it was only like a draft. But now, the site has been fully built. (Maybe not? It has no banner! lol) Whatever, how could you say nothing about it in your blog? Are you trying to be like Akiko, who keep quiet about her works and sneakily make this or that special pages, now? XDD
From her own description, this album will be dark-sided, combining the aura of her original world "Suimeikyuu". So I thought the jacket might be some dark based art, but this time, the jacket really surprised me--why it gives me an odd feeling of creepiness? Cloudy day, half gloomy room, floating doll in white, as if she's going to suck your soul out and therefore resurrect... I know Am I over-thinking? orz
For the songs, the famous "cercueil blanc" and "Mindsphere" will be rearranged. As for others, they used to be live/event-only (if I remember right).
Here is the tracklist:
vierge automatique
百花庭園の幻影 (Phantom of Flower Garden)
cercueil blanc~白の柩~
廃墟の心臓 (Heart of Ruins)
とおりゃんせ (Touryanse)
白繭の城 (Castle of White Cocoon)
カナリヤ機械 (Automatic Canary)
薄氷<うすらい> (Thin Ice)
伽藍の空 (Temple's Sky)
Just looking at the titles, I'm already over-excited. So fantastic, so ethereal and so fragile. This album will be extremely beautiful.
Off-topic: when I ordered Noriko's album, I wanted to order another album else. The first thing came into my mind was Key+riya's "Love Song". But...
"this product can not be delivered outside of Japan." which was what wrote beside product information.
WTF! I checked several other items with key-sound-label, all the same.
Nice, now I hate you, key sound label! °A°