音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♢ A Non-Gamer's Games

--I was supposed to finish my 2013 memoris already, but due to this or that, I got distracted (Nutcracker series coming soon!). Also, I'm so surprised that my blog template didn't get changed during the last year--I do love pink a lot!
--You might not believe, but I did play Mozart's "Don Giovanni" (the Furtwängler/Deutsche Grammophon version that you can find online easily) for at least twice per day during the holiday. I admire Donna Anna's singing range and I'm in deep love with Donna Elvira's first aria (although I don't know its name..).
This morning, I took out Akiko (Shikata)'s version of "Oh smania! oh furie!~D'Oreste e d'Aiace". Before I didn't notice so much, but now, it's so obvious that Akiko's voice is rather "flat"--anyway, she isn't a pro opera singer, and it's so fun to hear Jpop singers performing classical arias. xD
Alright, I'll stop making nonsense.
Today's topic: 2013 was my gaming festival.
By saying gaming, actually I watched much more than I played, because..
--Playing on my own is somewhat tiresome! (In case of RPG, you have also need to worry about things like levels and gears.)
So thanks to people who are kind enough to share their live game playing. I've finished a lot such as Ar Tonelico series, Corpse Party -Book of Shadows-, and BioHazard 1, 2 and 5. But it doesn't mean I can watch anyone's playing video. That person has to be funny at commenting or I'd rather to play on my own.
Yet I was also spirited up and thus I dared to touch a game on my own.
...Speaking of the name James, you might come across a couple: James Levine,
James May, James Moriarty, James Black... or James Sunderland.
Right, I'm going to say the best-for-playing-at-quiet-night-alone Silent Hill.
I sometimes think about, if I had a chance to live stream my own SH playing, the video will full of my (almost screaming) complaints: too dark (hard to pin items/doors), annoying camera angles (being worse with the radio noises), map-less areas (contributed by my zero sense of direction), and ruthless monsters (especially apes in SH1).
Well, SH is much, much better than Bio because there're no spiders (an important reason that I'll never touch Bio)...
I haven't started SH4. I was thinking about to play it during the holiday, but changed my mind to complete all endings of SH1, 2 and 3 first. Good thing I have found a super nice website having every single detail and lots of side-stories about the four major games of this series. Now I'm playing the legandary Silent Hill 1. Even I've watched how to walk through all areas, it's still scary.
So how did it go? Died in the elementary school boss for 5+ times, slewed by mantis legion in the sewer, got combo-ed to death in the street by apes+birds+dogs... I'm such a fool who chose Normal Mode while thinking that I know how to complete this game. Q_Q
Another point is I really love SH riddles--even it may take me weeks or force me to learn Shakespeare. I've heard about SH2 has a "harder" riddle level after completing all easy/normal/hard riddle levels. I'll be happy to try that level sometime. Probably I'll do it while collecting all endings. But about the action level. As I said above, normal mode is already slapping me hard, (it wasn't tough for SH2 b/c I was on beginner mode...), guess I'll never select hard action mode. But if someone's gonna play on hard, I'd like to watch~
Finally, SH also brought me lots of great soundtracks, and Akira Yamaoka was the person who became one of my top favs in less than a year. <<< As for the topic of newly discovered music, I'll talk more tomorrow (I hope).
All SH 1, 2 and 3 are great and of my love. But SH2 is my top 1. But comparing to SH2 true end (I simply got myself netabared before reaching that ending myself..), I felt much more upset when our great daddy Harry died in SH3.
Then, while browsing "James Sunderland" on Google Image, I fell in love immediately with this image ↓

Too bad google image didn't tell me who made this art. Tell me if you know! <3
A brief summary... in this post I focused on the games I've played--or watched. And Silent Hill series stood out. Something I'd really like to try on my own.
--Could that be due to my inner dark soul is excited by the superb horror aura? ;3