音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

★ Kill in Otherworld or Dream in Fairyland?

Due to my extremely strong desire of playing SH1. I give up that I'd make a full-length post for the last section of my 2013 memoir plan. So I'll simply go through all things I wanted to write in the next paragraph.
2013's new releases, of those I loved, are all from my current favorite artists, no new discoveries: KOKIA, Akiko Shikata, Haruka Shimotsuki, Noriko Mitose, Masumi Ito, Kenji Kawai, Shiro Sagisu and Shinkichi Mitsumune (any more? well, that's all I remember right now). But for new discoveries from past music, I'd like to mention Akira Yamaoka and Zabadak. Because of my stepping into the world of Silent Hill, I began to also love its soundtracks and the composer. Akira could be the only one who reached my top artist list within less than one year. As for Zabadak (too bad I'm still sometimes mis-spell/speak them as Zektbach...), I knew them from Yoko Ueno, and now I only love the Zabadak with Yoko Ueno, so that's of their earliest period(s). Less unique than Yoko's own releases, but great enough to get a complete collection. I'm also surprised that they also worked with Noriko's early unit "Kirche" (forgot which piece though).
Next topic. Silent Hill 1.
As I said before, I realised how idiotic I was to play on Normal Mode at my first time. The next nightmare was...
This game shifts up a level of difficuty automatically after each time of game clear and you can't change it! °A°
So, I was forced to play on Hard Mode at my second time...
Although somehow I made it.

I was worn out!
Moreover, second time, and even the third time, this game just scares me again and again.
During my second itme, I was trying to see the UFO ending. But due to an accident(?) that I don't know the reason, the UFOs came and left at the last stage where it's supposed to enter the UFO end. It couldn't be helped so I loaded the save data from my 2nd clear,
and finally got it (such a big fun)!
Now I feel like I could record my game play as a archive, with my gaming life being merely around 40/100 points. Should I? ( ̄▽ ̄)
The last topic. Continued from my love to classical music, my brain went reckless from the rich blend of the Magic Flute and the Nutcracker.

part.a | part.b | part.c | part.d | part.e
The initial concept and drafts took me 3 days, the PSD-making took me another 3 days, and the final makeup...took me 1 week due to I didn't know how to name it. Yet when I look at it again: No that's magic girl rather than the queen of night~~~! °w°