音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✿ Winter Reveries

It was ~25 °C on last Sunday. Not hot and not cold. Nothing special and perhaps only a people had noticed the temperature would drop down suddenly.


[day 1]
The forecast was correct, it began to snow at some time in the early morning of Monday, and by the time when I went out, there was quite a lot of snow accumulated.

Oh, yes, it is still September. But here, we had got experiences of snowing in May, so September snow was not surprising to me at all. As a winter/snow lover, I did enjoy the blending between white and other colours.

↑ and a Silent Hill-ish street view~ (I waited until there's no cars in the sight).


[day 2]
The snow continued, making the entire city into a very pretty white field. The forecast just announced an extended snowing period.

Nice colour again, although the snow seemed too heavy to most "regular" plants. Everything was good enough to give you a Christmas mood, but weirdly, I was playing some music with a strong summer aura (Mitose Noriko's "Pleiades")--of course NOT because I want the summer back!


[day 3]
No matter what, my mind won't change. Snow is awesome, even occurring in August. However, I appreciate the nature aspect, not the others. The traffic of such times is always rubbish. So was the third day and it was getting worse--some streets went out of power completely including the traffic lights (and glad every one stayed careful and safe~). Yet I wish I didn't have to leave home so I could also do some "hand crafts" like this (and make them smile!!):


Winter reveries, indeed. It was back to about 7 °C and will keep increasing in the following days. The white things are gone, and life is returning to as normal as any other time in September. Just as nothing had ever happened, as long as you don't look at the street.

I have no complaints about September snow itself, but I do feel bad for these trees--I think I never truly understood (or think about) why leaves fall off from trees in autumn until this very moment.


and I kinda want to see the bunnies around..
(↑ 500% personal story, ignore what I'm saying!)