音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♧ Just (Not) As I Expected

Q: what kind of game "biohazard 3" is?
A: A survival horror game that scares people mainly by making huge sounds. e.g. the moment when crows breaking the glass.
Let's Be Smart. Run!
My last experience of Biohazard 3 stopped at soon after I entered downtown area, at the end of June. But since then, I thought a bit more about the game itself. Even if you finish it in lite mode, the hidden stuff won't be unlocked. So since the beginning of this month, I left all lite mode save data behind and restarted this game in heavy mode ("heavy" sounds challenging, why didn't you make a normal mode ?_?).
Heavy mode is heavy! Especially before you collect enough ammo in stock. Similar to bio2, zombies come as a big group so knife-clear is hard. Bypassing them is hard to as the camera angles limit your sight. (I restarted at least 4 times for the beginning part with a knife in order to save my ammo, and try not to save too frequently.)
Learned from previous experience, the "tera-gorilla" (still don't know his name) seems invicinble (even with a magnum in lite mode). Unlike the "minister" (tyrant) in bio2, I have no way to fight with him and the smartest thing to do is to run (I really wonder if there's a way to beat him and get ammo from him.. →部長のタマからタマをもらう). At first I thought once he comes, you won't get rid of him (and he is indeed fast! °_°) But later I noticed that seems he will disappear after you run for a certain amount of distance. BGM helps a lot here. If the tera-gorilla is still following you, even in the "game saving room" the BGM isn't peaceful any more. Somehow, you'd predict his appearance, e.g. when cutscenes come or right before/after you're involved with some key items.. which makes things less scary. Anyway, running isn't that hard (as long as you're not in "danger"). So, feel the tension! I actually like his deep voice of "s.t.a.r.s...." and maybe I should use it as... (# ゚Д゚)
--Hey, you repeated "stars", so you're a relative of the last boss in bio1 or something like that?!
Adventure in the Ruined City
↓ Continued from last time.

A quiet path, or maybe will be full of zombies in next minute.

Looks like the tera-gorilla could appear at any time but eventually he didn't.

666 ← 100% noticed by chance!

This guy wasted me at least 40 minutes! -- Because I didn't read the text at all after taking the book. Yet thank to that, I went back to the starting place and found lots of gun powder jars! xD

Umbrella HQ?!
Every one has a dark soul inside and the normal self would be possessed by the dark soul at certain points. In my case, I believe, my dark soul shows up with such games. After a harsh wander in Racoon city due to I carelessly ignored system text, I finally got the battery and entered the transmission substation. Remember there's a live action? I shouldn't go to the emergency exit (because I just tried to open it but the knob doesn't turn). Afterwards... きゃー、すっげー気持ちいい!! ← I'll stop spoiling further. ('∀`)

At the same place..

マグナム来た!! ... although I'm not going to use it immediately. Magnum = Last Boss Limited
Cable, Fuse and Oil. After collecting the three, my intuition told me the tera-gorilla would come. And I was right--you gotta to be used to him. But this time, he didn't chase me for too long based on how BGM changes. While suspecting what's going on, I encountered the first (?) boss if not taking account of the tera-gorilla. According to its appearance, I'd like to call this boss "Papa" (another memory-fragment inherited from bio2).
But unlike the with-10-acid-rounds-I'll-get-you dumb version in bio2. This guy in bio3 does hurt!
The fact: I died 2 times.
At least now I know how to fight him. The hard part is to use quick-turn adeptly--I never imaged it could stretch itself and that's how my status decreased to "danger" for 2 times.

Right, since I'm in heavy mode, I can't abuse First Aid Sprays any more. Nice timing when the herbs came since I was out of stock (during the fight with Papa). ^^;
The Phantom of the Clock Tower
Compared to all other stages, the clock tower is the most non-biohazard-ish place. Things are changing from an abandoned city to a lost fantasy. Every single piece of this place (except the train carriage) could trigger my brain cells to make up a gothic-styled tale....

The No.1 place that links me to Silent Hill (3).
Since I got some flame rounds from Carlos just now, I realised there would be enemies that are weak to fire = spiders...
And my prediction was right again. No wonder, spiders, as one standard creature in biohazard, they haven't shown up so far... ~_~
(I'm aware of that I should complain since I start this game.)
Not a phantom, however. What I eventually met there was--every one could tell--the tera-gorilla.
Don't tell me I've come to the final stage (I just got rid of Papa not too long ago). There are still missing names in my "map view", and (at least it's listed in the game's user manual) I haven't switched the character to Carlos... he isn't dead! H-E J-U-S-T C-A-N'T D-I-E!
However when I learned that I couldn't run like previously. He's supposed to be the last boss and I was hoping someone would drop a rocket launcher in front of me--it's like a canonical method to end the story of biohazard. Too bad, it didn't happen.
Again, sadly I re-challenged him for 5 (or more) times.. Compared to him, to fight the Level-4-Papa (Side A story last boss in bio2) is nothing but a piece of cake.
and soon, I realised it's not the end of story--he's not the last boss yet! Although I'll keep believing the rocket launcher would be my ultimate approach to beat him, it would be an even harsher fight. I'm looking forward to count my future death. (;´∀`)
Or maybe I'll never be able to win him. The game's subtitle is "Last Escape", which means I'll clear the game through escaping from him instead of killing him...
Virus... so that's why I couldn't heal myself with a blue hurb regardless the ECG was also purple ← this made the mini-last boss fight so hard as I couldn't tell my status! ><
Now the riddle solved. It's not the end. I got switched to Carlos--Assault rifle is so powerful, and it sounds much gentler than magnum (in love)!
At first I didn't know what I should do. But looking at the map, I could only go to the hospital. I see. But why the antidote, or vaccine, is there instead of Umbrella HQ? ._.
And my biggest nightmare finally arrived.
--The Hunters! Σ(゚Д゚)
I don't know for how many times they've got me in bio1. Indeed the hardest creature in biohazard I've encountered so far (although not the most disgusting one, I give that honour to spiders..).

biohazard. Such an impressive mark like a save point.

I know, I know, they will break the glass when I leave the room. So obvious..

A simple lock. Glad that I checked this door so I'll tell Jill taking the key-pick with her. (・ω<)

Not the end, but I never expected it's still such a long way to enjoy survive! (。・_・。)
Now I stop here at my 10th (or 11th) save and will be back later. Hopefully next time is my last report of it as a first time play~
I don't remember when I made it...
and it's so obvious to tell who are in my main party~