音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❆ I'm NOT surprised!

Akiko's new release "wokashi" has been delayed to September 16. Not really a problem as I'm so good at waiting (?). And it indeed reduced my new orders' arriving jam (I've been ordering weird items since April and the coming one will be so crazy that I never imaged I could actually buy).
Although I wanted the special pack, as a fanatic with a yet parsimonious mind as the bottom line, I eventually moved to aim for the Animate special since it includes an extra CD. That was in the end of July, and today, I happened to have another visit, for no specific reason -- and the tracklist has been updated!
All are new songs as expected (although I don't mind if "Akakakushi" being there). I'm so happy that "Otoshimono" will now have a vocal version (my new year's wish now comes true!). And then, my eyes were fixed onto track 5..

That's Akiko Shikata after all! I'm not surprised.
--People who know the truth know what I mean. (´・ω・`)
Besides, track 3 is titled "百鬼夜行 (Hyakki Yagyou)".. I clearly remember I fell in love with another track with the same title from xxxHOLiC's soundtracks -- seems it's a magical title! and for track 6, long time no see, Ken-san! xD
>>Pure Japanese style. I feel like to play some Zero again (I've been stopping playing this series for a while after the exhausted ghostlist completion for all of Zero 1-3...).
On last Sunday, I did my first "serious" php script. So far, what I've done was limited to "include XXX" and that's the end of story. But, blame that an index.php is configured to be recognised by default while index.cgi is not, I had to do a deeper dive into it as none of available scripts/templates/etc I found online served what I was aiming for.
I did have a hard time finding out the proper built-in function, but at least I didn't spend much time on figuring out how to use them.
While I agree php is apparently a better solution for web based scripting, it can't be helped that I'm already dependent on Perl and tend to add a "my" on every new variable! Others are like "#" for commenting, and "$fh" for an opened file. :3

There's no magic on google plus so every feed generator has to utilise its API. As long as I can assure this, I'm better with what I've done. If you can make something exactly suits your own specific need, why use others' stuff that isn't 100% satisfactory?
In terms of a RPG character, my current status must be HP 1/999 and MP 0/999, while the numbers were given for the sake of an easy looking. Why I switched to do the php coding was in fact driven by my Saturday's MP draining out experience -- both of myself and my laptop.
Regardless a cache of 10 GB has been so normal for me..

So what's the situation? I'm crushed by my girls? or my dream hina dolls? ^^;
Since my girl's birthday had already passed, I'm allowing myself another week for HP/MP refill, and give it a final finish during this weekend -- although I think my HP will still be just around below half for fairly a long while in future.