音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❅ 和洋折衷のひなドールズ

Suddenly I'm addicted to the concerto for flute and harp, K299. It's so sweet. In terms of my way of interpretation, flute = lemon and harp = honey => a refreshing taste!
Akiko's "wokashi" trailer is out, and thus my goal that to finish the over 1 month drawing was delayed again. I was completely drowned in the vocal version of "otoshimono", and couldn't stop looping even the short sound clip for almost half day. I'll see for how long I can loop when the full version is released. Sep. 16, I CAN WAIT!
Yet I don't think there's a point to release such a sample CD on Comiket. She could just use sound cloud or youtube instead.
"Otoshimono" simply stimulated all my synapses. Today, my mind was flooding, with quite a lot of imaginations. My current status must be having only 1 SP (=sanity point in Shadow Hearts). I even doodled a draft, which would be my next drawing, at work! But too bad I forgot to take it with me when I left. Hope no one touched my desk after. XDD;;
Now let me return to the topic of the long-lasting unfinished drawing.. no, it's not finished, finally.
My belated birthday gift~

Hinamatsuri Variation
Basically the same as a traditional hina-dan, but the five musicians are the main reason to use "variation" in its title. Apparently I'm much more with western classical music, and, I did think it would be fun to do so. From left to right, the five are usually arranged by the size of their instruments. So I kept the rule: harp, cello, violin, flute, and vocal. Perhaps only the vocal can be seen "unchanged" from the original.
Plus, it was such a different experience to combine western orchestra instruments and the traditional Japanese outfit. Yes, it was fun, really!
While to make the background wasn't a hard work, it was a heavy-duty process. Yesterday, when I was going to quit Photoshop, I checked and was amused by the giant temp file:

23 Giga! It indeed took a while to save the file. xD
FYI, initially the background and overall make-up were supposed to be patterns of wagashi, but I changed my mind and used chiyogami instead. Although I was thinking to drawing them individually, I quickly gave up the idea as it would then take me forever.
For the hina dolls, main references are this and this. All chiyogami patterns were directly obtained from here.
I don't own a set of hina dolls in real life, so at least let me own one with my desired design~
Not only the musicians, but also the female emperor.
=> 私の世界に男なんかは要りません!!例えどんなにスコット君が好きでいても、私はレオン×ハニガンを応援します!(´∀`*)
Speaking of "Otoshimono", I tried to play its main melody, in a reversed fashion. The result was.. a bit weird, but very amusing. It first popped up when I picked up the sheets that fell onto the ground. And for a moment, I couldn't tell how I should place them until I saw the clef -- a piece had no sharps/flats or any other text. Maybe it could be a new way of self-entertaining, that to play a piece...
like this... ↓