音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❅ like to cover a scratched area using duct tape (?)

A week of coding, googling and letting my cats interrupting and sleeping onto my keyboard, it's all done now, at least based on my localhost testing. Not improving too much since last year's attempt, I still don't like how I have to quote all key names in a php array. Second, there's no difference between the so-called string, array and hash elements in php (and the foreach loop syntax), which always cause confusion. Third, it's so annoying among isset(), empty(), is_null() and boolean, even with the official chart of comparison. Especially that variables aren't defined first before values being assigned, it's always so much typing to make sure something is there, or not there.
But perl indeed brought me lots of trouble regarding to UTF8. So much that eventually convinced me to remaster all codes using php.
Which I call as a "remaster".
Nonetheless, Perl is much better (confidence).
Therefore a few scripts stays in perl. Even though there's a chance they can be remastered in php, it may actually take another week away from me.
But somehow I being to miss uncle Gael and vicar Laurence now... |ω・`)ノ ヤァ
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Just tried to make some cookies using kinako and mochiko (which I bought years ago and appear to be expired as the labels read), and they turn out in a horrible shape (the taste is okay though).
The good thing is I've finally get rid of these old stocks, and I swear I won't buy weird things anymore. (# ゚д゚)