音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✯ If 3rd position plays better, don't stick to 1st position

It all began with this (top):

I'm not a paranoid, but I don't like to see a bloody red drive C.

Although since quite a while ago I've noticed my drive C kept showing me red, sometimes it returned to blue for whatever reason I couldn't tell. But more recently, I never saw the red went away.
That annoys me a lot. It's drive C, I don't know what would happen if it runs out of space (I have a piece of memory back to the Vista [or XP] era seeing only a few MB's left due to my mis configuration for file exporting).
Time to have the whole drive repartitioned.
I believe I had the same idea before due to the same issue, but I didn't actually perform the partition at all because I didn't want to reinstall the OS, knowing there's no way to enlarge the system volume size without affecting the OS.
While still doubting about that can be done, I googled to look for an update.
I indeed got some possibilities, but none of them worked, just as expected.
The main reason could be my drive, for some reason, had 4 partitions in a weird order: system reserved, drive C, OEM reserved, drive D. To only shrink drive D won't create spare space continuous to drive C, and doesn't do anything with enlarging it either.
Yet I had totally no idea where the OEM reserved partition came from. As a few years when I upgraded to Windows 8, I should had already wiped out the entire drive, including all OEM-related stuff. It could come up again with Windows 10, but I barely track my drive status.
Nonetheless, I'm not amused by my right prediction, as the repartition + installation were doomed.
Okay, at least it's just tedious but not difficult.
I think I never reinstalled Win10 from scratch. The first thing I worried was the license. Because initially bought a product key (when it was on sale) for Win8, which only worked if you were upgrading from Win7 (no clean install option available). Later, I applied for the free upgrade from Win8.1 to Win10 immediately after knowing the announcement of release. During the period of using Win8/8.1, I only had one time of re-installation (simply because I wanted to do a partition??). I remembered I had to find out my disk to install Win7 first... xD;;
So as directed by the official instruction, I went to download the media creation tool, and double-clicked and waited it to get ready...

But I'm going to reinstall the OS due to low drive C capacity, why the hell you ask me for at least 8 GB on drive C in order to create the bootable USB?! u_u

Then I attempted to use my Surface 3, and soon realised it only had Win10 Home, not Pro. OTL
I ended up with deleting some softwares and disabled hibernation that I never used at all, and my drive C finally had enough space--roughly 8.3 GB--available, so close!
After deleting all existing partitions, including those reserved by the system/OEM, the installation itself went so smooth. When it brought me to the new desktop, I was even surprised that everything worked fine, without a single action from me regarding to drivers installation, which used to bring some headache.
I know the word that I first learned never betrays me! ( ・´ー・`)ドヤ
As shown earlier (middle), the size of a clean installed Win10 is roughly 20G.
Next task was to install programs. Again, not hard, just tedious.
During this, I encountered a bug (?) that doesn't allow me to change the default program at all. But it was solved by uninstalling the only update (KB4456655) I installed after the fresh OS installation. As I'm writing this, I've done my settings and updated back to KB4456655, and nothing wrong happened yet (nor did I any file association).

As long as it works.

The only sad thing was I lost my RSS feed collection, which was linked to Opera add-on and is not synced with Opera account.
I left localhost related configurations at the very end, as I'm no server-expert, and I don't want to browse their manuals at all.
Lucky enough, my old memos for Apache and Php still work, with only minor changes according to newer releases of these programs.
Additional Apache memos:
  • load module rewrite
  • for <Directory> Option is simplified to "Options +ExecCGI"
  • DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
  • change location for writing error logs
  • DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
  • ignore windows shebang for apache: add anywhere in "httpd.conf": ScriptInterpreterSource Registry-Strict
    • also add perl path in regedit [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT] for [.pl .cgi]
    • HCR\.pl\Shell\ExecCGI\Command\(Default) => D:\strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe
  • enable php: LoadModule php7_module D:/kiyoland/server/php/php7apache2_4.dll << phpX, version number needs to fit
  • php.ini: enable PDO's sqli
I wished that was the end of my server configuration, but things not always go that easy.
Some perl/cgi files didn't work, while some did. The reason was simple, the script does load other modules located in its own working directory, and it was fixed by adding a line of use lib $ENV{DOCUMENT_ROOT}.'/cgi-bin/';. While all PHP files run okay..


Which indicates it's time to perform a php-coated remaster. ._.
I've played with PHP's PDO system, and was satisfied. It's like DBI!
I had no idea why last year I insisted using mysqli (apparently based on top google results), which didn't work.
Last, I finally got the motivation to change default icons for all plain text based file formats, especially those I've linked to notepad++.
Back to the XP period, changing icons was easy, but since a point (Vista? Win8? 10? that I can't tell), it never worked as simple as before. Meanwhile, I'm also okay with most default icons, same for the green lizard cutie. However, it's visually annoying to locate a PM file out of a cluster of CGI+PL+PHP+TXT files, worse if some file names begin with the same letter.
After digging a little bit online, I learned that the registry method that Microsoft provided doesn't work if the file is associated, while some simple 3rd party helpers didn't seem to be useful at all.
Superuser was much more helpful (that answer should be voted as the top!). I've learned how to tweak into such auto_file_opening_anchors, although I almost broke the part for xml during tests.
After a couple of tests, I was confident to batch change the icons...

Manually editing XXX items by repeating the same procedure, are you out of your mind??

At last, I just want to mention K439b, which is used as a piece of BGM in 2BRO.'s videos. Before knowing the title, I had a hunch that the style is like Mozart, yet never thought it was indeed Mozart! (*´∀`*)