音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❆ News of KOKIA*MASUMI: another outwork

Just read about it this morning:
KOKIA x Ito Masumi will collaborate again!
This time, it's for the anime "宇宙戦艦ヤマト2199", the ending theme song of its fourth chapter.
However, I have completely no idea about this anime. Just reading its title, another Gundam-like anime or something, I assume. Well, guess I should use movie here instead.
On air in next year, which is Jan. 12, and Blue-ray comes out on Feb. 22. So, when is its ending song coming out? And I do wish it becomes a new single, so I can buy it. Don't tell me it's tied up with the blue-ray!! I'll never watch this! (I've already been deceived by Broken Blade last year, pretty enough of lessons.)
According to KOKIA's blog, first, this song belongs to KOKIA's outwork, a.k.a. non-original work; second, this song was written in this June, after a hall-concert; third, this song is based on a witch in that show, so the ambience may be odd and full with "the-universe-feeling", and "shining" like a star; fourth, seems KOKIA is doing some other outworks as well, what are they I wonder...

記憶の光 / Light of Memory
Lyrics, Music, Vocal: KOKIA
Arrangement: 伊藤真澄 / Masumi Ito
I admit that I'm in seventh heaven when I see this detail. THAT'S KOKIA*MASUMI AGAIN, MY FAVORITE COMBINATION! <333 These two are the best!!!!
Hope more release info will be announced soon, so I can add this one to my "ultimate (fake) music collection list" (which is the substitution for my old "music" page), and code it in pink!! (btw, don't you think CSS is awesome? :P)
Also, Masumi herself is releasing a new album in December. The title is "Wonder Wonderful". I should pre-order this, shouldn't I?! xD
Then, I have to worry about Annabel's first album. Why there is still nothing about it yet? No tracklist, no cover image, even no title, and there are only two weeks before its release. Trust me, two weeks go fairly quick. Or are you giving us a huge surprise? But without actually seeing the entire tracklist, I can't decide if I should order this one, because I mostly only want to see she being together with nagi and myu and MANYO and... well, you know what I mean! u_u

❋ Maeda Virus Recurring?! Want a shot??

First, let's bow to Maeda Jun the Archdevil! m(_ _)m
Don't ask for why, just go trying this:

Seems a limited disc specifically for a VA event in this summer. More detailed, July 29.
Cover image pretty!! (*´▽`*)
Nagisa, Misuzu, Ayu, and... who's the last one? (?_?;)
And why our Kanade isn't here??? I know because she isn't from a virtual game. Yet still... (ノД`)
  1. 幸せになる番 - Lia / 多田葵 / Rita / 茶太
  2. CANOE ~Nocturnal Waltz Remix Version~ - 多田葵
Although I don't mind multiple singers' collaboration, these four don't have a perfect match. I do admit I belong to Lia-fandom, but to be honest, her voice is the most stable one among all, and thus resulting a big difference when comparing with others. - -; If that's Lia herself performing this song, I will be hundreds of times happier.
Anyways, the melody and arrangement are great.
Second song is a remix of ED theme song of Little Busters!. I apparently didn't know this song before. It's another story-song (haven't read the lyrics though), and is just very Maeda-styled, which means it sounds abnormally hard to sing. Maybe since this song, I gotta love Tada Aoi! @w@
And again, can we someday have Key+Annabel? (´・ω・`)
Then from some others' posts, the last unknown girl is Komari from "Little Busters!" Hmmm, should I watch this anime as well? But from previous experience. I shouldn't. I mean I don't like CLANNAD that much. Btw, here maybe I should state, I love key-label music as long as my favorite artists are in, but about related games/animes--of course I never tried any of the games--KANON Kyoto Version is my No.1, following Air. CLANNAD story is kind of "crazy" (or illogic). So I'm not expecting too much from Little Busters! so far.
Yet I need to add, Angel Beats! is probably the No.1 if including non-games.
Wanna have a shot? (<ゝω・)☆

Even I'm playing Dragon Nest much less now, I do love loli class in that game! So I took half of my Saturday to get a portrait of my most beloved character. xD
Academic → Alchemist → Physician. A 2nd job focused on using of poison/toxin or using an injector to extract enemies' HP and then to heal ally. So here I shrank the huge injector and turned it to normal size. But who knows, maybe it's H173 inside! -- Therefore, I chose biohazard symbol for the background magic circle, surrounded by other elememtal attakcing symbols.
Originally, I wanted to use a pair of scales--with chemical powders--but I finally switched to the alchemist mascot: slime. Faceless=boring, huh? Then what about turn it to our "adorable" Kyubey? Also, for the dress, I just simply modified the prize No.1 from last avatar design contest. And I love red! =w=
However, I can't change my drawing style -- and don't you think she looks like Tomoyo from Card Captor Sakura? XD

✿ Krut hymneth, and pre-binaria image

First, something new about Ar Tonelico.

Krut hymneth
It's gorgeous!!
and expensive (15540JPY=194USD)... ~_~
Anyway, I'll consider. See if there are many new releases I want, and if 2012 apocalypse will occur. :P
Not that bad since I haven't actually bought any of ArTone items! xD
There is also a special page for voting your favorite character. The highest ranked three girls will get specially composed songs (hymmnos?) from Akiko, Haruka and Noriko. Yet, I can't do anything for that -- I really know none of them! lol
Second, today, October 28, 2012.
The day for M3-30, which is also the day for binaria's new release "twin's dialogue".
Why still no body shares it?? I can't wait anymore! The samples can't satisfy me anymore!! I myself won't hesitate to buy one, as long as I can... -__-'
So, commercial items are indeed good since we can buy easily!
Anyway, I said in last post, I did something solely from the samples, and during the weekend, I finally finished it.
An pre-image illustration of binaria M3-30~

Overall, the ambience is relaxing. Night sky is necessary. About clothing, to match the fantasic melody, I chose soft nightdress in faint hues. However, the final makeup doesn't look that soft... well, it's alright, maybe... (´ε`;)ウーン…
P.S. on music page, I reset this for a "new music release" minder, and I plan to change content every 4-6 months or maybe half year -- though I need to decide how to deal with out-dated content then! :3

✯ Winter Bears

Yes, your eyes are not lying. Bears, not winter bells~
Which means currently I sleep as much as a hibernating bear, though I'm still aware of that binaria is having a new release on Oct. 28, which is this year's M3!

↑ Twin's Dialogue.
I finally realised I misread the new release's title as "duologue", due to their confusing event title that is simialr to this--anyway, there isn't much difference between the two words!
I can't they they had nothing since last winter M3's "bottle", but I'm never able to enjoy their collaboration with Haruna Ikezawa at all (would be great if they themselves perform the song...). So basically, I've been missing binaria for one year. Therefore, even I a non-sample-listener (I do tend to try more samples recently, probably since C82) tried the samples of the new release.
If only based on the impression of the samples, I'd say this single will be like their "delightful doomsday", which is harmonic, beautiful, peaceful and calm yet can stand out from all other similar music because of its uniqueness. I'm so pleased that I can loop the short samples for hours. XD;;
1. フェナキストスコープ
2. 双子のダイアログ
3. step across the border
4. 晩餐のあと
From the tracklist, looks like the first track is an short introduction. "Phenakistoscope". I even looked up this word. Never known this before. Hope the track itself is as unusual as the word! xD Then the second song. I was totally... can't find a good word to describe, so I'll use "refreshed" for now. It's so binaria! I bet I can loop the full version over hundred times. The third song reminds me Annabel's newest collaboration with bassy. But maybe it's too pop and not that impressive to me--at least not right now solely from the 50''-ish sample. However, again, the fourth song sounds very elated. It's so elated that I got another draft with the motif "twin, peace, night and fairytale". Are my brain cells running faster than the single itself? :P
Soon after binaria's M3 release, nagi is getting something new~

↑ラテラリティ/Laterality - Nov.7
What's wrong, both binaria and nagi herself like this kind of weird words being the title! However, good to me that I learned another new word! lol
Thanks to binaria's coming release, I'm back to doujin music (I got 400+ online playing record for GARNET CROW last week!). This time, I tend to play more quiet music, and gradually I got into the orgel world.
Don't know if I ever mentioned before (probably not), that I'm in quite a superb "winter bear mode". Two extra hours after an 8-hour-of-night-sleep may not even be enough. As if I can sleep all the way. Together with the first snow a few days ago, those orgel albums (of Akiko and eufonius) provided a superb aura to be more "winter bear" like! (´・ω・`)
Just never forget my favorite music even being a bear! xD
Something more... still began from binaria. I have a habit to look around about this or that "keyword". After binaria's release news, the keyword naturally became "twin".
Therefore, bouncing thought, twin → conjoined twins; fail to separate, may share same organ including brain... Although it wasn't the first time I read the same thing, I still began to think, how those conjoined twins think if they share the same brain??? In that case, it's one brain controls two bodies? or two bodies fight for the only one brain? or...
Life is like a miracle, full of unexplainable wonders! ( ̄ω ̄)

❋ Happy Halloween 2012!

As the title says, Happy Halloween 2012~


❀ nostalgia+JinTai+KonaKana

This time, it's all for new (and some old) releases! (And as usual it's hard to get a good title for this kind of content!)
#1. GARNET CROW - nostalgia

↑Impressive limited edition cover. Perfect match between white and red.
wait, it's not red...
It is the beautiful garnet.
When did GC release their last album? I can't remember. GC didn't bring up lots of exciting works after their "stay soul". However, "nostalgia" was such an impact that retrieved my heart. The C/W isn't that impressive to me, probably because my attention has been totally taken away by first song's incredible vigor. The most exciting part in the song, I would say, is the introduction--a perfect ensemble that has the power to drive me crazy (just in fangirl mode, not turning black! XD)
↓PV. IT'S JUST AWESOME!! I love how they produced the exact flow of music and each scene. The stage is also fantastic!! <33 *w*
#2. Otani Kow - JinTai OST
JinTai... I mean "人類は衰退しました (Jinrui wa Suitai shimashita)" or "Humanity has Declined". :p

Don't you think the title is kinda weird? I thought so when I first knew about it together with Masumi Ito's single work.
Frankly, because of the composer and ending theme singer, I started watching this anime. At least, the anime isn't bad. In a sweet fairytale style, mixed with crazy and absurd plot, it does make people happy. Thank that, I've been turned white completely. Kow Otani. Although I only have his "Haibane" series, I had no doubt that this album would be an awesome one (maybe I should try more of his works in future). Anyhow, only dreamy and adorable, Otani's music isn't absurd at all!! XDD
So, the conclusion, Akiko is the lunatic-driver and these two are indeed lunatic-healer!? lol if you want a moment of peace, try this album! <3
#3. Key + riya Spice Ghost - 此/彼/方

Ummm, I first misread as "special ghost". orz
The reason of introducing this album is simple. THIS IS THE VERY ORIGINAL VERSION OF NAGI'S "KIMI NO AIRPLANE"!!!!! Remember I ever said it's unfair that they reuse their old famous melodies without giving credit to them? Old fans all know it. Therefore, I vote for riya. u_u (I do like nagi as well! I gotta respect the first birth.)
I'm eventually satisfied now, because someone shared his/her copy of this album, I finished my lost track.
Maeda your works are dragging people in tears because you were a psychology major?! °A°
Alright, as a final denpa/lunatic/whatever question to end today's post:
Are there many male yaoi-fandom? (´・ω・`)
I'm not saying this is a foreshadowing for next post!! :P

❋ vierge automatique+Mindsphere

For the 1st and the 2nd songs in Noriko's album.
Following the dark aura, I chose dark hues for the clothing, but not that ancient... I mean gothic -- still with a bit modern taste; since the title is Mindsphere, I merged some nerve cell's and used purple, a mystic colour, as the main background.
