音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♡ Ten Days

Right, not Seven Days!
Ten days until I tell myself whether or not I'll get Krut Hymneth.
I have none of the 6 hymmnos concerts, so it's not a bad idea to get them altogether. But I was still a little bit hesitating. I'm that type who isn't willing to pay a large amount at one time, and would rather like to split buying what I want little by little (as long as it's doable). orz
The point is, I really know that 6CD = $35 each * 6 = 210, whereas the box costs 180 with not only the 6CDs. (and "KOKIA+Akiko" side isn't even found on that site! *dies*) Anyhow, I guess over 80% I will get it -- for getting this box, I spent no extra money since December at all~~
Alongside the price, another reason that made me hesitate was about shipment. I found no other place that offer cheap shipment, plus this item may quite large comparing to regular single CDs -- I don't really know the size since it doesn't only include the 6CDs -- the online shop would charge (much) more. Also, I found nowhere but amazon.co.jp has it, which was kind of disappointing (I do wonder how they would charge for shipment of this box).
Things are always changing. Right before I made my decision, I saw the box appearing on YesAsia site.
I never ever expected to see they have this item, since this box was announced long ago back to last October. They are always very quick on updating new releases (I remember I saw Masumi's "Wonder Wonderful" fairly early). Thus basically, if they don't have an item on their site, that means they won't sell it at all. Think about Noriko's "vierge automatique", they still don't have it now...
Well, I don't know how they sell and what kind of stuff will be sold on their site, I'm just happy I wasn't that impatient to preorder this box in last October on amazon. :3
At last, what about "ten days"? Of course, you always need something to stimulate yourself when you make plans (especially when it's not easy). So this time, Krut Hymneth will be my Goddess of Victory. If I can finish writing up the first version, which is also the most time consuming version, I'll definitely buy myself that attractive box set even from amazon.co.jp!
--10 days left.
Seems this semester will be super crammed. What if I don't finish on time? Right now I'm not thinking in that direction. Just tell myself that I can do it! Believe the power of love! XDD
and the fantastic bonus on my way home:

From my phone, the sky turned like to be a clear purple, but it was supposed to be pinky orange! I do know sometimes my phone turns the scenes into another hue, and I don't like that very much, but this time, I really like the final purple, which reminds me binaria's "leightonite"~ =w=

✾ New Year's First Complaints + Surprise

A while (maybe years) ago, microsoft cancelled their windows live space (or whatever the name is) and immigrated to wordpress (another reason to hate wordpress!); today, I just got an email saying Messenger is gonna immigrate to skype.
What the hell are those microsoft people thinking about?
However, I don't care that much since I'm neither a wordpress user nor a messenger user at all.
And now I agree what someone I know said before: there is only one useful thing from microsoft that is called Windows.
(I already switched to open office.)
In the new semester, another bad thing was I couldn't get both of my TA sections on Thursday -- I was hoping for one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Because we are used to, and can only have our weekly lab meetings on Thursday, I feel not like working on that day at all. You know, no one likes meetings. Doing TA instead could be a good excuse for not being in the lab.
Anyway, since I didn't get the afternoon section, what I can do is having complaints. XD
It snowed out of everyone's expectation last night, and kept snowing till this noon.
The snow can really bury you!

↑ You do know the general size of the stairs outside of your house, don't you?
Good thing was it's not that cold. Only around -15 °C~ :3
Last, due to out of new music, and my late-December order still on its way, I didn't know what to listen so decided to watch a movie tonight.
Continued from what I've watched over the holiday, I touched Ju-on 2000 tonight (on full screen).
And the left side of my headphone died completely right after it!
-- I know I'm going nuts!

☆ 年賀絵2013/NewYear2013

A real happy new year this time with bright and warm hues~!
Now, new year mode should end, I'm ready to go back to the math+chem+bio fight! xDD
Still, can't do nothing during New Year holiday, so that's it~
This one was made 3 days ago, which was Jan-3 -- I was just lazy to write anything. :3

And that's my Blog Lady, who was initially drawn from the image of Ana Coppola. Once again, I really love cherry-red!
Another motif of this drawing was confetti. Similarly, used the square-brush plus scattering effect.
And, the third and also the last motif was chou-musubi -- which led me creating the new blog template: ribbom plus sakura. I'm not a real fan of spring, but I love sakura~ =w=

❀ とおりゃんせ / Tooryanse

Remember the two drawings I made for "vierge automatique" in last year? Continue with that, this is the third one of this project. During this span, I re-drew most of the original drafts, which including this one -- I changed the aspect. :3
It was so hard to get a "horror" ambience. Just couldn't find out a good background. So I ended up using a random maple photo and twirled so no one would know what it is. And, I don't really remember why I got those scattering maple leaves around, but that's not bad~


❆ C83's late waiting list

C83. Haruka would be my strongest expectation, Annabel×myu should be the same as usual, and where is Akiko and Noriko (I know she's not that active in M3 and Komike)? At least I didn't read anything from their sides.
霜月はるか/Shimotsuki Haruka
canoue~廻る羅針盤~ (Revolving Compass)

Those three people again! Hope it's not an erhu-involved album.
Seems they got a new unit, canoue. How enthusiastic they are! XD
落日の迷い子 (Lost Child at Sunset)

tieLeaf 10th anniversary vocal best album, Lip-Aura series, (the only new song) should be good. But, why another BEST album? Most songs are from "Tsukioi no Toshi"!! orz
I want new songs (゚д゚)!
- トランスペアレンツガール (Transparent Girl)

Annabel+myu again, should be good. Extra story of "debris"... even I want to say that, I never touched "debris" story itself.
Annabel as a guest:
感傷ベクトル - 0と1

Barbarian On The Groove - 一角獣に宿る夢

I don't know most artists, so I'll hold my opinion.
やなぎなぎ/Yanagi Nagi
星灯りの街灯 (Streetlight of Starlight)

Why not binaria? =v=
島みやえい子/Shimamiya Eiko
5TEARS Vol.2

I'm only looking forward Lia+Eiko. Haven't tried "YELLOW" though.
Something else:
"Kurt hymneth",
vote result has been published: クローシェ、ルカ、and ジャクリ.
Alright, who are they? Especially the last one? (;・∀・)ハッ?
If I get a live DVD, 2/3 would be MC and side stories.
by Mitose
So is she gonna release such a live DVD or not? (though I bet not) (´∀`∩)
There is an interview of Ito Masumi and the new album "Wonder Wonderful", but I'm still waiting for the arrival of my copy, can't read it right now. (´・ω・`)

✾ Intermezzo to the Real(?) Horror

I had decided to spend this holiday with horror films, because of Kenji Kawai. So did I.
Here I list all films I've watched during the past week.
Dec-23: The Ring (US remake)
Dec-25: ラビット・ホラー/Rabbit Horror
Dec-26: 戦慄迷宮/Shock Labyrinth
Dec-27: 稀人/Marebito
Dec-29: 輪廻/Rinne -Reincarnation-
Yet, I still haven't started watching Ju-on series, .
I'm waiting for a better time for that series, I guess.
They all say Ju-on series is so scary that it may be a challenge to watch alone. That's why I watched the above at first -- to get a basic idea how J-horror films look like.
Now, since I've finished most Shimizu products and The Ring remake (I only watched remake version because I didn't find The Ring original version!), next one is only Ju-on series, both original and remake versions.
I doubt I can touch it at night though! Only looking at its posters makes my head feeling pressured. I'm not that gutty. A_A
Even though, I'd like to touch that series. like what Annabel said in an in-album (Midnight's Ghost-Story Radio) interview: I know I'm scared, but I still keep staring at the screen with my shaking hands holding a cushion or whatever, waiting for next scare.
and I'll regret soon when I have to stay in dark by myself.
Anyway, I'm writing because I want to make a brief summary for those I've finished watching.
The Ring (US remake)
I've read the entire story (JP version) spoiler in detail but the US film was still scary. However, why I always referred some cuts in this film to "Corpse Party"? Especially the pulling-out-a-thread-from-throat scene; and Samara is like Sachiko... well, that hairstyle isn't rare though.
I don't know why Mr. Morgan chose to electric-shock himself, and I'd like to know more about The Morgans' background.
Samara (the living one) is MOE.
Noah shouldn't die, I like him! (*´Д`)
And I also got a hunch Rachel will give the copy to Noah's assistant...
Music is superb.
ラビット・ホラー/Rabbit Horror
A simple and not that scary story, but worth to think. I've spent hours on analysing the back-truth of the story, so no more stuff here.
Frankly, Kenji's music was the only trigger to watch this film at first.
戦慄迷宮/Shock Labyrinth
Bunny toy, 3D raindrops, spiral stairs... having some similarities with "Rabbit Horror", or I should say "RH" has similarities with this one because "SL" was released earlier. Honestly, this film isn't scary at all, even the dead people's faces or moving eyeballs may make people feeling unpleasant. The ending was clear too (especially they have Tomoki, a living witness, so the truth can only be either Ken killed his friends or Yuki's spirit did everything).
The raindrop and feather scattering scenes were very fantastic. Plus, girls in this films are all so cute! But I don't like Ken's appearance that much. :P
Pretty scary. The ambience plus the sound effect. Some scenes are rather gore and made me sick, seriously. I don't want to eat any red food (especially tomato sauce!) for a while after watching that... -_-
Excluding those "unhealthy" cuts, this one is really good.
"People don't feel fear from seeing scary things; instead, because they fear, things they see become scary."
輪廻/Rinne -Reincarnation-
Story is good, music is good... well, it should be good since it's by Kenji Kawai (really, I didn't feel too much of music, probably because I didn't listen to its OST before watching the film?). A bit complicated but not too hard to follow. The way of revealing the truth was kinda surprising and interesting. Although there are a few things are unclear, lack of connection, overall, this could be the best Shimizu film so far.
My friend was right: have you ever watched any horror film that got no death/ghost/etc. involved?
Alright, maybe tomorrow or a few days later, I'll touch Ju-on. It would be fun to watch the whole series plus remake versions! And hope I don't dream about them! XD
Btw, why I think "Rabbit Horror" poster is scarier than "Ju-on"? @@
P.S. Thanks to "The Ring", now I officially became a fan of Hans Zimmer!

♢ Christmas Magick

A little late Xmas drawing~
I've learned how to make magic sparkle effect since last one, so I also did it for this one. Then, I made the mat as a magic carpet like thing, plus light colours.
Since the character is my Blog Lady, I can't miss the smiley of my blog -- pesoguin~! xD