音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❈ Sakura Kinomoto

The first single work after my pre-set drawing.
Sakura Kinomoto from "Card Captor Sakura".


❅ a delicate time ~妙な時間~

When I finally finished my study plan for applying my visa (of course I paused to sing a little or take a rest during the writing), the clock of my computer came into my sight.
A delicate time.
That's why I wanted to write something for my blog that I haven't updated for a while.
In past a few days, I was preparing for applying my visa. Certainly, I needed to fill some forms. However, problems showed here. Mainly, that was about only one point. That was, about writing Kanji. Since the last June (maybe even earlier), for going to study abroad, I lived in English mode all the time (actually, now, I'm in it too...). In one hand, I was told that my English got improved; in the other hand, I also knew my kanji-witting is decreasing sharply. I can write most commonly used kanji, but in case of those are not used often, I'd got to “draw” them with samples. orz...
I wanna know the reason, since I KNOW all kanji clearly...
Well, maybe I should forget it...
Yesterday night, I listened Eiko Shimamiya's album “ULYSSES.” Wah, that's wonderful! I could only cry with it and thus I fell in love with it. I listened to it until this noon! Particularly, I like these songs: “ULYSSES,” “Sukarabe no Inori,” “Mosquito,” “VANILLA,” and “LOVER.” (Hold on! There are only 9 tracks in the album!)
It's also yesterday night's event, about my fiction.
Frankly, my nickname was born from it. Before I started to write, it was fine to use the nickname freely. Anyways, when I began to write in the last year, each time when I work on it, I couldn't do with ease, and I felt like that I'm not me... as a result, at the time when my limitation of bearing the same name starts to break down (that is, NOW), I broke out my eighth revolution for my fiction.
I will not change the main frame of the fiction, and what I will change are only to change some names, and to fix some tiny point so that I may get the whole plot straight.
I will write about it soon, so let me stop the topic now (also with today's blog).
There are still so many Kalafina blog posts to be translated... (I'm a kind volunteer♪♪~ ;__; )
先日いろんなビザに必要なものを支度に行った。無論いろんなフォームをフィルしなくちゃ。ただし、いろんな問題もこんな時から浮かび上がった。いや、主に問題はひとつだけ。それは、漢字についてった。昨年(より早い時期かもしれないが)6月から、私は海外進学するため、ずっとずっとEnglish Modeのまま生きていた(実は今もこんなに生きてるが…)。英語がだんだん上手になると言われるうちに、実に漢字を書く能力が急降下していることを知るのがこの最近だった。よく使われる文字はなかなか書けるけど、ほかの文字を書くときは描きのように見本を沿って描いていられない。orz...
またたくさんのKalafinaブログを翻訳しなくちゃ… (私はいい志願者だから♪♪~ ;__; )

✽ laptopon

I bought a new laptop in the beginning of May.
During that time, I mean, early days of May, I just finished sets of fan art for FictionJunction & Kalafina. Then I wondered, to draw something for my new laptop wasn't a bad idea. That was, laptopon, laptop fairies.
My new laptop, Sony VAIO VGN-CS27, is white. Thus I decided to give her white/silver hair, like Suigintou from Rozen Maiden. About her name, in fact, I didn't work much on it. Her name was taken from the title of my next picture album (since I've decided not to divide my picture albums into bigger parts, I've canceled all previous upper-level-titles of my albums. You may see the change in my HdH album page ). Anyways, her name is Kosmoton. I merged two German words together: Kosmo- and ton. That mean “Cosmic” and “tone,” respectively.
When I started to draw, I found how bad I am in changing my drawing style. I couldn't draw her with difference from my major drawing works >_> By the way, at the same time, I also drew another laptopon for Ms. L.'s laptop for fun. As a result, the two laptopons were just like Arietta and Tohne from my own too-far-to-be-finished fiction, orz...

more, go to here
But, that's ok. At least you may differentiate them via the colors of hair!
And, I updated my laptop's memory to 4GB. Then the drawing program ran amazingly smooth! :O
There're ome new updates from my daily life:
I re-saved all my previous text document into *.odt format, that is about half regular *.doc sized. \^o^/
I'm fighting in re-ripping my CDs in to lossless wma format, and have got the size of my music library 6 times increased.
I received my ordered BACH/MOZART complete box, but not start to enjoy them yet. <___<
I'm going to apply for my new passport/visa in the next week, which is a time-consuming issue. I just hope there will not be more trouble during the application. >___>;; OMG, I should have applied it earlier, but I didn't. ;__;
I will continue to write my fiction, that I haven't updated for a long time >__>... and I also hope the damn swine flu disappear earlier! So I can take tours then!!
Finally, congratuations on Kalafina's new blog! More translation works for me. >.<

✾ Those Drawings were a Rush

In the last Friday evening, I suddenly realized that I'd got to do something others. I mean, I've ever drawn a suit of fan art for my favorite composer Yuki Kajiura. But that's not enough for me. I just watched the PV of their new coming single (today's the release date ) and got excited to draw more of them.
So, what to draw this time? I my brain cells of drawing and designing have died out since my last drawing. Thus this time I wanted to mimic their real photos.
Mainly, Yuki Kajiura is active in her FictionJunction and Kalafina, so I chose the photo from the booklet of Everlasting Songs and sprinter/ARIA, plus the nice photo on the official FJ website to draw.
Making the draft was fast, I finished all drafts in less than 2 hours. But later drawing on my tablet was really time-consuming. The deadline to submit fan arts is April 30, that is, tomorrow. After the first day's drawing (actually that should be the second day, April 26), I thought I mis-used my right arm and got it sour. Everyday I changed my Google-talk status: I draw in rather a rushed pace so that people might saw different status of morning and evening. Sometimes, even if I have finished the drawing of characters, it was more difficult to merge them into wallpapers; making wallpapers was more time-consuming!
Anyways, when I finished the last one, I was so happy~ Now, finally I could move myself to write something to my music goddess and singing angels ♪♪~
But, it's hard to leave message to them... maybe it's easy only in case of Yuriko Kaida.
That may be:
I love you.

view more, click me

♤ Dilemma, dilemma...

Before I knew I'm accepted, I was nervous on it, but after I knew, I'm still nervous on it...
In this March, I thought I might be accepted in UofC, I was happy, since then I didn't think I could be accepted in other better schools.
But a few days ago, I received another offer, from NYU.
Later I got into a huge dilemma.
Both are good schools for me, yet both have their own strong/weak points to me. I have contacted with a professor whose research field is my favorite in UofC since this February, and he's also a professor with high quality. His education history, his published papers, etc... He seems a good future tutor for me.
In case of NYU, when I applied for it, I just thought that “Ah, I love NY, thus I must apply a school in NY!” Originally, I thought I couldn't be accepted because of my not-so-good exams. But now... I later also re-read their research fields, I have a few favorites yet they're not as interesting as the UofC one. I know, NYU is a very, very good university, also the location of the school. Ummm, die Universität ist sehr gut und die Stadt ist auch sehr gut......
I don't know where I should go now. For I want to do the CA research, but I want to be embarked in NYU. Uguuuu~~~~ I really have no idea on the issue... I WANT THE CA PROFESSOR MAY TRANSFER HIMSELF INTO NYU NOW!
After all, to follow my own interest is more important, though I love some good schools and cities else, right?
I'm still in the dilemma of choosing one, I want to split myself into two.........
I'd rather there's ONLY ONE school accepted me......

❀ CSS fighting

That wasn't the first time I change my template with CSS, but this was the most difficult time.
I didn't have any CSS knowledge when I just registered on MYO; then when I tried to get a custom template, I became faint since I didn't know what's CSS at all. Anyways, I found some blogs teach people on MYO CSS, I learned some basic issues; in November 2007, I costumed my first template: with a different top image only!
Later, since I knew where MYO original CSS file were put, changing CSS became easier. I just needed to find the codes I wanted to fix, and then replace with my own codes. Though some stuff I couldn't find out directly, I still learned much after many times of trying.
The most epic template (so far I think) I made was in yesterday. Recently I just finished a transparent template for my fiction, then I suddenly wanted to change the template for my own blog too. Since it was so difficult to choose ONLY ONE background, I got suggested from some friends using *.php files.
Firstly I thought the random background was the most difficult part, but it didn't because others helped me writing the php file. I soon finished almost all parts and just when I satisfied with it, I found some default backgrounds didn't match with my style. I've got to turn on fix them: album backgrounds, visitor backgrounds, etc... yet that's the real most difficult part...
After another 3~4 hours of fighting, at about 4:00 AM, I ended up all changing, and got complete satisfied eventually. I talked to some online friends during the fixing, and also got stalked...
However, the fighting ended.
Here I thank: Shin (for your CSS/php support), tsubasa (for your php/domain upload), Heiko (for your transparent background image and some CSS codes), and Hiroyuki (for your post border line/album related stuff code)!!
By the way, I bought a string of obsidian beads yesterday night, before I started to fix the album CSS.

✿ PC-less days

I don't know how I survived in these PC-less days. That wasn't a real long time, only 4 days. But, that was very boring. I felt my fingers have been duller and duller when I came back to the keyboard...
It was lucky that I still have music with me: a music player. I have copied all my music into it. But it does everything in a slow pace (I can't complain for that, since that stupid machine isn't mine, but my mother's). I've got to wait for 2 seconds to skip one track or other actions else; this fullish brick even can't display the artist info! Yet it's large enough to load my stuff, I have no choice but that.
Problems showed up afterwards. I miss my e-dictionary, I mean, Lingoes. I don't know how longer I've to take to look up one word with regular paper-made dictionaries than the case of e-dictionaries. Also, new words emerge fast, there are so many words I can't find in my granny's old yellow dictionaries (especially some bio-terms; I was so happy that I could still guess them from their word stems *faint)! Another problem was writing. I can write on a piece of paper, but I can't photograph this paper and upload it as my blog, can I?
I read up the book “Wuthering Heights” by Emily Bronte. The reading was interesting and very fast (-er than my common reading speed). I found that I've fall in love this book. After the reading, I listened to the song whose name is “Arashi ga oka (Wuthering Heights)” by ALI PROJECT for several times. I was on top exciting then!
In other leisure times, I did some drawing, and read a German learning book I just bought (this book is far more better than the previous one, at least it didn't get me lost in the self-study -__-; ). I also found that the (current) best way to remember some new words is to read it for so many times. That's rather more efficient than just repeat writing the word. But, I don't know if my music helped me on the remembering. That song was “Kazoe Uta (かぞえうた~地獄鞠歌~)” by Noriko Mitose, a silent yet kinda horrible song, you see.
Anyways, I came back to my keyboard. Ah, life goes on, and it's so cherished!