音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

☆ Awaiting for Yield

During the 2 days, I was searching in GenBank for the genes I need. Nevertheless, when I input the key word “antifungal peptide,” GenBank gave me hundreds of matched results! Which I need are that produced by rape and radish and similar ones else. I can sure there is must some advanced search tool in GenBank, but I could not found it. I even got mad at the so much results for I was puzzled with how could I find out my need ones. Then I little regretted because I did not work hard on my Bioinformatics. Oh, dear! To hell with the endless search! I gave up my GenBank work. Then, maybe it was a gift from God, I found out some specific antimicrobial peptide databases! One of them, ANTIMIC, is very splendid! It is easy to search, and another, every search item has a link to GenBank or other database. It made me delighted.
Maybe there is something wrong of our college internet workgroup; maybe there are too much person are using the internet; maybe my laptop is so old that it can not still work quickly (well, of course, that is impossible. My laptop is all right though it produced in 2002). In all, the speed of my online working made me sick!
This term I have not so much class, so I decided that I ought to improve my English level from every aspect. Now I am doing listing and basic grammar.
In every morning, I do a piece of 9 minutes or so listing, one piece a day, and today is the nineteenth day. I listen and write what I listened down – the whole process often takes me about one and half hour. In the noon, I back to my dormitory, power up my laptop, check my written-down with the script. Sometimes I can get a good work, and sometimes it is terrible. Some words I did wrong but I indeed know it. I cannot identify them because of my Kana-like pronunciation (laugh); the English pronunciation style, such as “a,” “that” etc, are always diluted in a long sentence, also makes me fail to do well. Every time when I finished my listening, my right hand is so tired that even collapsed. Will, I indeed write too much, only by my single right hand, for my left hand cannot write smoothly.
In the afternoon, I take one or more hours to study grammar – that is also a work include much of note writing. So once again, my right hand turns to collapse.
Work in front of screen, write down what I listened, note each important item, and soon I will go into my lab (when I have found out all my needed gene sequences and designed out their matched primers). That is my latest day routine, not so colorful but should be fruitful.

✯ Treat, Treat, No Trick!

Today is Halloween, but there is no any atmosphere. No matter, I wanted to do something at this day. Although I stay in America, I still cannot knock someone and say “trick or treat,” for I have not a child any more. Therefore, I decided to enjoy my own Halloween by me myself.
One of my friends and me went out this afternoon. She would go to bank before that. She got a waiting number and there were still 26 people waiting. In this time, I wanted to go to supermarket at first, and then back to meet her. She also wanted to go, and we thought when we back it was her turn; we went to supermarket together finally.
Maybe it was little strange, I bought six small cakes for my supper and my Halloween.
When we backed to bank again, the speaker said, “No.302, please.”
“Ah?! ” she was very surprised.
“What’s the matter?”
“Oh, dear! Mine is no.301…”
In all, we missed just only some seconds…
That time, I found God tricked us…
Well, however, later we went into a small candy shop and bought many lovely marshmallows and candies.
By then, all my Halloween preparations were OK!
This night would be happy, at least.
PS. I decided my nest picture theme should be “Halloween.”
追伸 私、決めてきた、次の絵のテーマはハロウィンなのです!

✯ 絡み解き・Re-Combing

I will do my best this time, though I have realized it long ago.
I must make out of my entangled English grammar.
I remember I had a good English mark when I was in middle and high school, I was proud then. Nevertheless, my grammar turned over since I went into college. I want know why, for I did lots of reading and writing. As a result, although I can still write something quickly, I find that I cannot use words freely and I have a serious grammar confusing. Is it because my grammar knowledge drifted away while I was reading?
I do not know very clearly. In a whole, my grammar is the weakest point of my English studying.
I wanted to promote my grammar level, so I read this book: “The McGraw-Hill Handbook of English Grammar and Usage” by Mark Lester and Larry Beason, two years ago. It is a good book, indeed, but there is not so much about the basic knowledge. I read it and became more carefully on the facet of language using, but I still cannot make correct sentences.
In last week, I found this book in my college library: “English Grammar” series, which includes three books, by Betty Schrampfer Azar. Tried to read some pages of them, I realized these books are another good grammar books. From the simplest to the most different points, this series does a fine interpretation. Without other thoughts, I borrowed them and started to learn from this afternoon.
I understood it simply. I got more self-confidence.
Well, the grammar is not so difficult, I thought, as long as I have interesting on it.
I became like to study grammar.
Of course, I have to study grammar no matter about if I like it. However, I know if I like it, I can study happily. From now on, I wish my grammar study would be smoother, for I have take attention in it.
文法を上手にしようと思うと、よい本が必要である。そして二年前、Mark LesterさんとLarry Beasonさんの『The McGraw-Hill Handbook of English Grammar and Usage』を読んでいた。これは確かにいい本であるが、基本的な知識はあんまり説明はしない。それを読んで私は実際応用の方にたくさん注意をした一方、基本的な語彙の使い方にぜんぜん強めにならなかった。
先週のことだった。図書館にそんな本を見つめた。Betty Schrampfer Azarさんの『English Grammar』シリーズであった。ちょっと開けて読むと、たちまち素晴らしい本だと分かった。一番簡単の文法知識から上手に使えるほどの高級知識まで、ひとつひとつ詳しく説明する本である。何でも思わなかったすぐに借りてもらった私は、今日の午後から正式にこのシリーズを読み始めた。

♡ Final Thesis

I got the topic of my final thesis this morning.
Antimicrobial peptides: its gene transduction and expression in prokaryotic and eukaryotic host system.
“You can try the prokaryotic host–vector system at first, for the eukaryotic part is more difficult.”
My teacher said to me.
Well, so I will try my best.
Although I know something about antimicrobial peptide, to get an accurate definition I browsed WIKI.
Antimicrobial peptides (also called host defence peptides) are an evolutionarily conserved component of the innate immune response and are found among all classes of life.
These peptides are potent, broad spectrum antibiotics which demonstrate potential as novel therapeutic agents. Antimicrobial peptides have been demonstrated to kill Gram negative and Gram positive bacteria (including strains that are resistant to conventional antibiotics), mycobacteria (including Mycobacterium tuberculosis), enveloped viruses, fungi and even transformed or cancerous cells. Unlike the majority of conventional antibiotics it appears as though antimicrobial peptides may also have the ability to enhance immunity by functioning as immunomodulators.
So that this topic seemed very interesting, for it would be the first time I touch a whole process about molecular biological experiment, I felt little nervous. Refer to molecular biological experiment; I have to think it is a time-consuming and sorta uncertain work, is not it? In all the steps, you can not see any thing which you want to get: DNAs, RNAs, some dissoluble proteins, or something else. So you do not know whether you get them definitely.
In my experiment, I think the most difficult part should be “primer design” and “vector build.” As soon as my design was correct and I build good vectors, there were not so hard of its transduction and expression. Another, during my experiment, I will try some different DNA donors – a contrast test? Yes, maybe it is!
Failed and try again, time by time. The research road is not plain. Nevertheless, I will make out it, and my final thesis experiment is my first signpost.

✾ Life in Big City

Millions of people have millions of ideas, so I love big-city-life which be seen too crowed by others who chose country-life.
However, a good environment is the only precondition for I choose city-life. Who prefer to live in rubbishes?
Compare to other reasons like high stress or busy routine, the bad environment maybe the main reason to those people who dislike big city. As the increasing of buildings and population, the building-up city is intruding the original nature day by day. That our real nature is decreasing. For the sake, people made out some little “natures,” the green-fields. They are so small and few that even can not be called as “nature,” but they did a good work in our everyday city-life. Like the miniature gardens in family, the green-fields are miniature garden in our city.
But even these miniature gardens can not maintain themselves clean and beautiful.
Do not you think so? The vista of a grass is fully thrown by trashes; what are swaying in wind are not only leaves but also plastic bags. When we do not know, only one clear is trashes have been eating our city sneakily.
As a result, the gardens made by people will be destroyed by people ourselves soon or later.
And that is the problem.
No any garden is originally dirtied. We know it and our facing fact makes us to find out the answer.
Maybe everything happens like this:
Someone looks the notice card with “PLEASE DO NOT DISCARD TRASHES,” but he ignores it, so that the first trash discarded. Later, for the mind of “others also did so,” more people throw their trash. More lately, “everyone around all did, so it doesn’t matter if I do it too.” And at last, the former minority becomes the present majority; the former non-trashes become the present trashes-all-over. That is all.
Besides our selfishness of trouble saving, why not to think more when we throw? Was not we be told that we can not throw trashes around; do not we know that trashes would destroy environment; or had not we heard that some trashes are difficult to breakdown?
I think almost of us know them, but what we did are not what we should did.
In modern society, as our matter-life become richer, our mind-life may become blanker. There is someone only work for his own “home” and take no attention to the outside environment; there are some thoughts of looking to science, which had given us enough matter, can still save our environment completely.
But the thoughts are all wrong. The “home” one only works for, which also belongs to the outside environment; and although science has highly advanced, it can not handle our environment problems completely. If there are such thoughts staying about our world, it can not be helped from the decadent world.
I and lots of people do not want to accept the both such thoughts and fact.
We should do something about the environment problem.
Maybe as normal civilians we can not done very big things, we can also in action from our everyday life. To throw trashes correctly; to sort trashes for recycle. Even the littlest actions will accumulate to a big effect.
Nowadays, lots of governments and international organizations had paid more attentions on environment problems. They had done lot. It is really blessedness that everyone takes part in action.
Living in a big city, every day is busy. Everyday routine is no more than taking rush-hour buses, enduring high stresses, shuttling through noisy crowds. Although such busy life, our body and heart would be eased as soon as city miniature gardens go in sight. I love big-city-life best, for I can realize my existence from routine schedules; for I can enjoy the purest natural life from the city miniature garden. Sure enough, I am seeking such big-city-life.

❀ cazador del amor

I remembered one day, in Shinjitsu’s blog there was a poll about “which whole version would you want to listen in el cazador OST1?”
And my answer was “el cazador.”
September 21, 2007, the magnificent original sound track “el cazador” was released. Here I want to thank my opera-friend Shinjitsu. But for her reminding it, I would not know it even now. But why until now the news was not be updated in Kajiura’s official website? Speak on it, the updating looks very belated from this year…
Well, forget it. This OST, as usual, fully glares Kajiura-style in each track. Also the song “I reach for the sun”, sang by Emily, is wonderful as the last song “forest.” Anyway, in all the tracks I love “cazador del amor” best! When I assured the Japanese version of “el cazador” would be concluded in this OST, ah~ my heart was surged by thousands of waves.
I listened to track 4 as soon as I got this OST, for tr.4 is “cazador del amor.” From the well-known prelude, and the intense voice of YUUKA, I heard another arrangement and the lovely Japanese lyric. Its original lyric was written in creating-language, and there is too much difference between it and Japanese. I mean if the song is fit for creating-language, it might not so match to Japanese. At least, I never thought about its Japanese version before. However, the Japanese version did a big success, oh, that was what a real Goodness did! To the song itself, I am afraid I could only use the 3-syllable-word to subscribe my feeling: wonderful! Sure enough, it is such a wonderful song which can make your heart ignited even if only once listing.
About the lasted big bang by Goodness, who can reject to enjoy it?
まだ覚えています、あの日、Shinjitsuのブログにそんなアンケートがあった:「el cazador OST1」によると、どの歌に一番気になりますか?
そして私の答えは、「el cazador」でした。
平成19年長月21日、華麗な「el cazador OST2」正式に発売しました。ここでちょっとShinjitsuに感謝したいです!あなたのお陰で、私はそれを知りました。だって、今さえ、梶浦さんの公式サイトにそのことを掲載していません。どうかしたの?なんか今年から、公式サイトの更新がのろのろと遅いらしいです…
まあ、とりあえず、このOSTがやはり相変わらず梶浦スタイル満点です!Emilyさんのその「I reach for the sun」は前作「forest」と同じく、とても素晴らしいです。しかし、一番私を驚かせたのは「cazador del amor」と名のいう歌です。日本語化になりましたのか?本当、本当でしたなのよ!それを確かめたとき、心が千の波が押しえたような気がしました。
そして、OSTを手に取るや否や、たちまち第4トラック「cazador del amor」をプレーしました。前奏は懐かしくて、YUUKAの歌声も激しくて、編曲や歌詞のほうも少し改編されました。原歌詞は自造語なので、日本語の発音と比べて大して差別があります。つまり、旋律のほうに自造語が似合っても、日本語に変えては必ずしも同じく似合わないということがあります。せめて初めて自造語の「el cazador」を聞いた私は、日本語で歌うことなんてぜんぜん考えられません。でも今度の日本語化はとても成功でした、さすが女神様の作品なの!それで、歌自身について短く言えば、「凄い」と三音節の二文字にしか、ほかの何も言えなくなりました。確かに、これは一度聞いただけでも、心が燃え上がるほど「凄い」歌です。

♢ その日ひぐらしがないた・one day when cicadas cried

Even I, one not have an ear on any news, heard that news in the day before yesterday:
“September 19, 2007, Kyoto: A 16-year-old girl killed her father by an ax. Since she was a little girl she hated her father on his some actions. When she in the rudimentary school, she wanted to kill him. But she was waiting the day she has enough power to kill him. Finally one day when she has been to 17, she bought an ax. She did not go to bed that night and waited until 4 am. She went to his father’s room; cut her father some times used the ax. And after she assured his death, she awaked her mother and told her: ‘I cut my father.’ In another hand, although she thought ‘if only father disappeared from the world,’ she got some guilt to her parents.”
So that I got an email yesterday from the animation “Higurashi no Naku Koroni (ひぐらしのなく頃に)”s subscribed news:
“About ‘Higurashi no Naku Koroni’s on air break: because of the father-killing case, this animation was seen to have negative affection on it. (omission) we staff are negotiating with the TV stations for continue broadcasting. (omission) it is really a regret. (omission) we will notify you soon after the final decision. If you can wait for it, we will have the best blessedness. (omission)”
I had to really believe the news until I received this email, though I have had heard some rumors some days before.
Now I thought a lot about it; I think both the two cases are downright wrong: the case of father-killing, and the on-air break of the so-called negative animation. Maybe it is only my immature thinking, but it is my real think. Surely, I like this animation, and I want to watch till its ending. There is no any negative affection. Do you think only an animation can give someone so big affection? At least I do not think so.
And that is also one of my questions:
“Is there any animation can make one to kill another?”
To the end, what can effect us, is we ourselves, the circumstance, and the self-suggestion which made by the former two. Of course, animations are a kind of circumstance. We can laugh, cry, sing, and even imitate animations. But, animation is also made by people; it is a kind of illusion, a fiction. If only you are not an animation staffer, that animations are a tiny part of our lives. Our consciousness do is most important to the part on our action. However, can our consciousness be changed so simply? I am afraid I could call them whose answer was “yes,” with “the driftings.”
It is a fact that in animation “Higurashi no Naku Koroni,” there are some extreme senses. But to the most, it is not a bad animation. And in case of me, beside its entertainment, I also got something else: do not to obey the destiny, one has to live in self-style, and I believe one can change one’s destiny by the tiny actions. We can not consider anything with extreme senses to bad thing. In the world, everything has its two-side-nature.
Now back to that case. Her mother ever thought the girl’s protests were only her adolescent behaviors. The mother never knew her daughter would do such thing. At last, protest became tragedy. Who was wrong on earth?
The thinking in 16 or in adolescence is easy to change. I can get very well for I had walked out from it. In that time, I always too conceit, impertinent. I thought I was a queen in the world. And I also got some affection from animations. Although I have forget how much and what the affections were, there was one I can remember: to me myself, animations were only the incarnations which reflected my aspirations. From then, I knew more and more though I can not explanted clearly. Finally I got my target, and step toward my destination. I wonder whether everyone can go straight to the destination if only one knew what was really expected.
That is surely regretted on the girl. Her dream is become a cartoonist. However, she can be saved, I think. Her way is still long, and I hope she will not lose after it.
That is surely regretted on the breaking of “Higurashi no Naku Koroni.” But lots of staffers did their best for it, and lots of fans want to watch it. We can watch it someday; I and all the fans believe so.
Wish the world can go on peacefully.