音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❈ 無き、声(日本語)

Now let me show you my images and comments about the album!
★ is my image
☆ is my comment
Track 1: 空の軋みと歪める世界の無き、声
Track 2: のこされた希望
Track 3: 軋地(あつるち)を渡れ祝福の祝詞
Track 4: みちあふるままに
Track 5: とどきますように
Track 6: 歪剣(いびつるぎ)
Track 7: めざめの鳥
Track 8: るまー・るまー
Track 9: 世迷言(とまいごと)
Track 10: 界繋呪(カイケノマジナイ)
Track 11: のこされた罪悪
Track 12: 無くなるものへの鎮魂歌
Track 13: きみとの最後の
Track 14: 、(ナミダノシズク)
Track 15: 声ノ無キ世界ト歪メル軋ミノ、空

✾ 軋みと歪みへの無き、声・The Silent Voice for Crushing and Distortion

This is a good album released in Jan 26th 2006, sang by Katakiri Rekka. It is a story album, how a world was created and how it was ended; everything was expressed well in that album.
Thank for a friend of mine introduced to me the album. I have listened to the album some weeks ago, and though I wanted to write something, until now, I have done it.
Say about the core of this album, in my opinion, that is “doing not to lose your human nature.” The differences between ideals and dreams and fantasies and vain hopes are very tiny. Once these tiny grooves are broken, the original normal world may be distorted. Such a simple principle, in this world, how much people know it? For this world is too complex and tangled, though one knows the principle, he or she have to do something wrong, if does not, this one may can not stay here anymore. So that, the final result is, the pure people will be stained by others nearly, the born innocent children will be stained by adults, even the holly light which falling onto this ground, then will also be covered by evil influences.
Any world will also be ended, but who decided the period is we human ourselves. To wish our world can stay longer, what we should do is also simple: tune nature, and then in the base change our lives little by little. Anyway, human were born in this world, and human are changing this world, whether the lightness or the darkness after our next step, that are all decided by human, they are all done by our hands.
Now, in your heart, how dark there is?
I will show my images and comments at the next time.

✯ 凧揚げと空・Kites and Sky

In the twilight of yesterday, I saw some people were playing kites. There I saw 3 kites, two of them were long and one was squared. In the 2 long kites, one had flight in the high sky and the others were flying at the same height as our gym when I saw them. What I saw firstly were the lower kites, I thought their players were must be somewhere nearly so I tried to seek them. Finally I found one, an old uncle; from his movements I could know that he must be one player. But where he looked forward was not same as the two kites, and when I looked toward his sight I found another kite. In the west sky, in front of white clouds which sunlight flowed out, it flight highly. Although I have had known that kites can fly very high, I was still excited by that kite, and I could not impress this feeling. To say something about that scene, that was wonderful! Like wanted to reach for the sun, the kite was flying. Yes, that did, was wonderful!
Now, I turned to look the other two kites, they were also trying to fly higher. This scene was also wonderful! The rain in these days had stopped, now in the cleared sky, the kites were flying. Soon later, all the three kites were in the high sky, and I could only see three little black points there. The sunlight was still dazzled, and on the background consisted with lots of white clouds, the kites points were so small. However, in the people’s mind who knows the little points were kites, little kites were all right. In my own mind, they did, were the marvel. Surely, the difference of scale between the vast sky and the little kites is big, but such a scene was so harmony, and that was also the feeling what mystified me.
Yes, there was sky, kites, and harmony.

✽ 霞んで上がって・Misted, then Cleared

There were little raindrops fell when I went to class this morning. The rain became stronger soon. It was difficult to arrive classroom with everything keep drying. But walking in such a rainy morning – I thought the last I did it was far time ago – was very joyful.
Then, as the class started, I heard the big sound outside. I saw toward the window and found as a strong rain outside. Although I have knew there must be a strong rain today, my heart excited as I really saw it. The cold air embraced me, and it made me comfortable. Everything what I saw, even the closest, were blurred by the rain. I could see everything but I could not see them clearly. I heard only the sound of raindrops feel onto ground. Other sounds were all covered by raindrops, it seemed only I myself was staying in the world at the moment. The atmosphere which in little noisy, but very silent , I like it best.
In summer, the long-lasting rain is rare. This rain also stopped soon later. The gray sky turned to white and bright soon too. The moisture trailed away and only the coldness remained. I shivered little as wind flowed over, but I was really in a mood that time!
In this 3 days, it is raining all the time. Temperature also fell down so the past some oppressive hot days vanished completed too. Now it is not like summer. But all we know, after the lasting rainy period, it will be hotter again, isn’t it? How strange this summer is!
Which is better on earth? It should be the dazzling burning sunlight or the endless lasting rain? To answer the question, even God may be puzzled.
Yes, it’s so puzzled surely. May be…

✽ 時の記念日・Day For Time

The ages which people lived with water clocks or sand clocks are wonderful! Thank for them, human could know time more accurately. Although these clocks are no more used in modern age, we, the modern people do, can find out the loveliness of them better. Can’t we?
Now… you may ask me why I say about the old clocks. It is today, June 10, today is Day For Time. In Japan, it’s said that people used clocks firstly in 10 June 671 of Asuka Age. That was water clock then called “Roukoku (means ‘graduated leaking clock’)”. Wishing people to get the good habit of treasuring time, this day was decided to Day For Time in 1920.
We all should treasure time, both to us and others. So, I wish everyone can get this good habit, it is my wish in Day For Time too.

♧ 入梅の際に・In Summer Rainy Season

The weather forecast said that would be raining within these days. Since June came, the rainy season also would come soon. However, it was not very hot but a little oppressive recently. I thought again and again that whether the rainy season has came, and I though so finally.
It seemed in this year, there would be a really rainy season. I only wished it would not turn to too oppressive. In fact, I love rain but I don’t love oppressiveness. Well, the weather is more oppressive, the mold can grow easier. If I not take enough care to the food, they might be…
In the end of June, I will have 8 final tests. All they are my major classes. I even will fell tired so long as I realize them. And I can’t do a good review unless I can get rid of the rainy season well. So I wish to the RAIN FAIRY: I want gentle fine rain and it can stay with me in the last time before my summer holiday, then the REALLY rainy season, hot and oppressive.

❀ 5-7-5-7-7

Falling Snow
By Amy Lowell
THE SNOW whispers about me,
And my wooden clogs
Leave holes behind me in the snow.
But no one will pass this way
Seeking my footsteps,
And when the temple bell rings again
They will be covered and gone.
I read a poem by Amy Lowell this noon. The poem named “Falling Snow” sounded little but I could reach the atmosphere very well.
And then, an impulse of to translation it into Japanese rose. After words sprawled about paper, I made it.

It’s a fact that I am not good at composing in literary language, but I also want to write something literary-like words sometimes. Therefore, I wrote again; I adapted the poem into haiku and tanka.
In this time, everything seemed more difficult, because I only know little about haiku and tanka. In short, besides, the most basic rhyme of the “5-7-5” in haiku and the “5-7-5-7-7” in tanka, also some seasonal words, I almost know anything about them.
The process I composed this haiku was smooth:

To do the thyme of “5-7-5” was easy. But when I turned to rewrite tanka, the trouble came. I had to count the number of words of “5…7…5…7…7…” time and again.
So that’s the tanka I rewrote:

I was very happy for I made them. I also knew they were not so much literary, however, the joy continued.
30 minutes after, the counting voice of “5-7-5-7-7” was still haunting about in my mind.
I had a thought that I was poisoned.
So I opened an English reading book, and I saw this phrase: “get ready for sea”. But what I read out, was another set of words : “get ready for the sea”. Even in the same time, I thought: “Gee! The number is 5! Great!” Though I knew I was wrong instant: “Ah! The phrase was even not Japanese!” Why I counted its words like what I did with haiku or tanka, and also add a “the” into this phrase…oh… what can I say something more about it?
It’s certainly I was poisoned… hem!
But that time, I grinned.
Thinking about the thyme of words, it sounded so great!
That, once again…
真昼、Amy Lowellの詩作「Falling Snow」を読んだ。短い作品だけど、その雰囲気がよく感じられたの。



「get ready for sea」。たっだ一つ普通の単語だけど、私が読み出したのは「get ready for the sea」になってきた。そして、それを読みながら、心にはまだ「あっ、数は5でよかったね!」と想ったの。でもすぐに分かった、「これ、日本語でもないもん!」。私はこれを俳句や短歌からの「5」と想われたの、それに、まだ「the」を一つ加えた。まったく、私はね…やれやれ…