音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❀ Artistically grotesque

Dying over 200 times in PsychoBreak chapter 6 AKUMU, the two-room sequence (and I have fully upgraded flash bolts x 7)...
↑ Who is more miserable than me?
I believe regardless you have a rocket launcher or not, you need some kind of luck and preparation.
Comparing to this, which would take less than 5 minutes in normal condition, none of the so-called "instant death games" are real.
Indeed the longest 5 minutes.
I wished so many times that I'd rather go fighting Laura another 10 times if I don't have to do this.. But God knows whether I'll keep my decision later on! xD;;
Although I died 32 times with chapter 5's Laura.
Well, at least I got it passed.
And perhaps I'll never do it again.
Yet I'm very worrying about the doggy fight which is coming soon. Except the dino-alpha fight, this one was of the top 1 headache for me in past experiences.
Before that, I'm counting on you about the giant twin fight, Joseph!
My copy of "yorlga II" had just arrived yesterday. Eventually I was able to read its booklet.
Even more black than its sister.
Not surprising though -- I wasn't even expecting too much at all. That we all know Most of her booklets are in a pure black!!
But the happiest thing has to be that there is furigana!
Otherwise I can't even read all the titles without problem. -- They didn't want you to read it at all, perhaps. I'd say "yorlga II" is the "scariest" now; it beats all Shikata Akiko's "dark side" incantations.
More importantly, it's literally grotesque.
The Noriko style: artistically grotesque.
After a not-so- less-impressive introduction, the military song could be the most normal pick from the whole set. Yet it's has been numbered "zero", which means... past? faded out in history? exiled?... The moon-waiting song is equivalent to "tama no fune" in my opinion, sort of; the ambience is great enough to lead my mind thinking in this way. As for some key words, "moon wax and wane; the last moment; slashed heart; pale death white; interval between sky, earth and the other world"... apparently it's a "talking to the death" song! (I can't help but I'm no literal soul to choose those more fitting words across languages. lol) While the next rock song (can't tell if it's real rock), with more power, it shows a brave soul's bold intention of dying for (forbidden?) love.
Hirota's "mikado" is cool, really.
Starting the exorcising song, the "yorlga-touch" is getting a stronger. What I should point out? The title itself is self explaining. With mixed use of katakana, the song indeed turns into a great dark magic charm -- P.S. This one has the most furigana annotation among all songs. The high tension immediately gets repressed by the following alone-in-the-garden song. "even though I'm here watching for everything, but I'm yet not here as no one sees me." << I'm so familiar with this kind of "Noriko motif" (hyper)! >> "I know who I am." (For some reason, this song and the next are swapped in pages in the booklet.) Then here comes my first-time-listening favourite lantern song~ There is a intensive aura of a ghost parade to me before reading the lyrics. However, as usual, my mind illustration was off a bit lot. You can find all kinds of eerie stuff on the weirdest night market, not only a lantern that shows you the invisible, also mermaid's scales, houou's feather, an automaton girl's heart... Whatever, I'm following my initial imagination to get my draft completed.
Next the canary song is the easiest to follow in terms of the lyrics, like a piece of dark fairytale. Somehow it brings me characters in her "yume kai" story from "yorlga". While the syndrome song is an echo of the final piece of the previous release, still of intensive piles of "negative words". But the penultimate piece, it's exactly "Jack the Ripper" (which reminds me the very beginning of Shadow Hearts)! Finally, the last "meta-ish" song goes out of my type again (because that's a boy instead of a girl? ^^;).
Overall, I like biohazard and Silent Hill, so I'm totally fine with this degree of literal grotesque.
Less favourable than the initial "yorlga" though.
And a new now-playing (other than Bach's cantata marathon): NieR: Automata OST.
All that I know about this game was a 10 seconds long video, and these 10 seconds made me remembering it. The scene they showed on the home page looks beautiful though. The music so far is good too, every track, instead of being a 1-2 minute short piece, it's rather like an independent instrumental song that lasts 5-6 minutes. -- All good but except the stupid shop song. I just can't endure and hate people singing off key, especially on purpose (looks at Takayama Minami)...
Good game BGM doesn't mean the game would be good (e.g. Final Fantasy XV and Valkyria: Azure Revolution based on amazon reviews), but for a few times I do play games only for the music. I'll see, after finishing PsychoBreak AKUMU and probably BIOHAZARD 5 Pro and 6 No-Hope.. (which would take ages!)

♡ Revive Remake Reincarnation

The first piece in this year: the previously continuously mentioned "Revive" has finally been remade! ・ω・ノ

Revive ~remake~
(because it had "re" in both the title and subtitle, it was a little confusing each time when I type it.. xD;;)

vs. the first print I did 7 years ago.. -- more exactly, 3 days to 7 years.
Before the very first remake, I even checked the difference between remake and remaster.
The appearance, hair colour, fringe, etc. for sure changed. Nothing to comment more, I made the decision at the end of 2013. But they're the same girls as 7 years ago!
As for the graphic, it's common to me, that I can't replicate a finished drawing, instead I always tend to add more variations. At beginning I attempted to get the same position arrangement, yet ended up with a somehow different outcome. << this is remake any ways so I didn't care!
Doing the outfit was the most fun part. What I finally filled with colours was actually different from even the remake draft. Most important, I didn't want to use the original as it looked... I forgot what I thought but of course I wanted a change. => I'm sort of having a CLAMP-styled soul <= need not to dig in further!
Since the overall ambience was supposed to keep the same, which with a strong rose scented stage, it was limited to do the colouring. The balance between the base colour red and characters must be well maintained. Expelled all other choices, nothing but red could balance with itself. And once again, it was proven that black is the colour!! It always echoes with all kinds of other colours -- white does the same, but I personally prefer black.
About the hairpin, it certainly got related back to their main "devices". :3
The background was brand new, as before I simply stole one from the internet and transform it into my work. Those days have gone forever! I can't remember what kind of background I used last time as it was blurred. If go checking my zipped raw files I might get a copy of the original. But I didn't want to. -- Time to remake! Therfore, like previously I said, rose must be the thematic object. 4 in centre, 4 (that being the centre replica) in background, and petals all around. Plus, I haven't looked up how to make a swirl in CLIP Studio, so I got some "vortex" curves blended in, combining the stage spotlight-ish upper gradient. I didn't know what I was thing, some random play-arounds led to the final result.
Rose petals (they can be used as sakura petals if painted in pink) gave me another fun experience. Although I do know the blend mode long time ago, I barely really used it. Perhaps because I don't understand the mechanism behind. "Overlay", "Add glow", "Colour burn" and "Multiply" are so far the great ones I've remembered. To hand drawn these effects would be over my ability. So this time could be the beginning of more use of them!
Stopped using Photoshop for 1 year, and I don't miss it at all~
A couple of new music has been released, including binaria's "tsuduri" and Noriko's "yorlga II".
Sadly, "tsuduri" is still in a state of no touch... .__. I indeed looped "yorlga II" though.
But I'd say the first "yorlga" is better, in terms of the overall ambience. -- The introduction of "Tama no Fune" was way too impressive that made the world of "yorlga" perfect.
I'm not intending to make more comparisons here. So I'm trying to make more praises of "II". I do think all the instrumental tracks are better than "I", and many songs are great too. Of the most attention, I like the "lantern song", the introduction sounds so much like "Shadow Hearts"!! <= Definitely my coming next artwork inspiration!
Then, an earlier release.
The Last Door Soundtracks

It's the type that resembles classical music, and thus become my favourite. "Crows over the city" is the one I can't stop looping, and eventually I tried to transcribe it..

I'm so glad, it's in D minor!!
Maybe I should make a D-minor-collection playlist sometime.
A little wish, that someday I can do it. (I should, the notes aren't that hard.)
However, playing the second half tremolos is a pain. I'm not good with either trills or tremolos. I absolutely believe playing such == muscle training.
The last part. I just reincarnated my site into a revised set of cgi scripts.
NOTE: the phrase "revised set of cgi scripts" used to be "a set of php files" at the period of my "Hello PHP".
It can be due to my quick scanning of only 1 php book in a short time (whereas I've gone through 5+ perl books). Nonetheless, I'm not fond of php at all right now. I used to believe using php would be a pleasant experience since I don't have to chmod to be executable and switch shebangs across OS and handles all POST/GET/WHATEVER within a second without calling extra modules. But problems such as variable scope, empty variable, and my stubborn perl habits making things more difficult than expected. I still think it's a stupid idea to mix ARRAY and HASH, and I strongly hate that I have to quote every single key while calling an array value.
Be brief, I gave up on php. It's hard to convert. I'm a happy resident of the Programming Republic of Perl forever~ ( ̄ー ̄)ニヤリ
This post should have been written 9 hours ago, but my Surface was charging and I was too tired.
At least now I can go burning Laura! xD

❀ Let Dr. Sense-of-Direction going AKUMU

There're no that many times I dream about video games in all kinds of forms and still remember it after I wake up: Silent Hill 3 and 4 for sure, and then PsychoBreak. That I clearly know the latter was so real, as if I were the main character and running away from Laura or Mr. Chainsaw, and praying for a lovely "check point".
In a sense, PsychoBreak thus made itself to be one of my favourites. And recently I finally began my long survival trip in AKUMU mode, aka the instant kill mode. I've got a pretty Death Record chart, and will be looking forward the outcome after I come back from the crazy loop of dying and loading and reanalysing and improving.
Yet I didn't know our Chainsaw man got me exactly 5 times in chapter 1! It should have been a piece of cake after clear the entire game two times. But who knows there's a pile of "stuff" blocking my way toward the exit.. and knitting with chainsaw man wasn't as easy as watching people streaming on YouTube. Without actually dying for a few times, I won't be able to figure out how the situation was in terms of the placement of various objects.
Chapter 1 took me 49 minutes, including all cutscenes (which applies to all following chapters, as what I've decided).
Chapter 2 could be the beginning of the real AKUMU experience. However, before I actually entered the surivial world, I got lost again in the beginning forest... and in my previous game plays, I got lost too. -__-
In AKUMU, I clearly feel the zombies are sharper in sensing me. Seems the view angle of them got wider so I got caught up more easily. And they run faster, making it impossible for me to throw a bottle at their faces.
Another big problem here was, I could barely see them, as if they are perfectly melted in the darkness. Sometimes I heard their voices surrounding me, and I turned around trying to locate them. Sadly, for most of times, they got me before I finding out where exactly they come from. For quite a lot of times, I attempted to run for a better distance in order to pull out the trigger, and out of luck some "objects" blocked me and I got stressed that I missed all my shots (like Leon said, I should really consider using a knife in close up fights but the system doesn't let me doing so). Either drop a match, or use the handgun. With a half second of hesitation, you'll be dead. Continuous dying got me tired on Friday evening, but at the same time, I did get a better memory about the geography of the village map, together with the enemy locations. I'm for sure getting better, which giving me a big feeling of achieving.
3 hours in total at the end of chapter 2. But the actual time I spent would be longer, as each "now loading" screen would take about 35 seconds.
Fortunately, I'm so pathetic that I couldn't do the no key + no upgrade run (yet). So at chapter 3 I felt much, much better. Not saying that I was able to open the lockers and upgrade the charming flash bolt, Tatiana was right beside me! I was happy and was almost on an one save per kill mode. Again, my brain went crazy and I had trouble find the proper way to the attic after turning the crank for the "old-man" doctor.
In AKUMU, I totally forgot they added one fake Ruvik near the gate, which caused quite a lot of trouble. Also thanks for that, I realised I could went across the fence and thus get access into the building where the doctor was in directly, without going from the front door. The building opposite got one sniper which was even a bigger threat than fake Ruvik. This time, I did something different, that I took the sniper down by shooting him from the room where doctor was hiding. That was fun.
Eventually I didn't want to bother killing Ruvik and all the zombies before dealing with the chainsaw -- as I could upgrade! I chose the second floor in the barn -- as once I got off and Ruvik imposter would get mixed in. I stabbed chainsaw man a couple of times, and finished him up with an explosive. Good thing was Ruvik imposter wasn't treated as an additional boss so he disappeared when chainsaw man was downed -- otherwise I'd be downed by Laura's claws..
Even that chapter 3 wasn't really a pain, 5 hours in total when I made it into the next chapter. I had to say I got lost again and went around the little village for long, only for a missed shotgun shell! Nothing is more important than ammo except your life.
Less deaths here though, and I was quite happy with my good luck in taking care of the bombs. Well trained by Shadow Hearts!?
Stay cool, Seb, we'll make it through!
I wish I could play "Clair de Lune". I'm not asking for something flawless, but now the biggest problem wasn't the key, but the high range in some parts. And I don't feel like I want to shift into the 5th position yet.
"Revive -remake-" is getting there! Now I just need to brush out a good environmentronemnt with a stronger taste! Somehow I got numbed by the song due to over-looping it. Need a break => PsychoBreak! xD;

❆ Black Tea Hell

Black tea hell, the subtitle of "古色迷宮輪舞曲".
The story was rather good, which gives players the desire to keep reading. However, without a flowchart, there's no doubt that I'd give up it half way.
I tend to find a walk-through even that's multiple-choice based. As I never say I'm good at visual novels, in terms of gameplay -- especially flags from the choices. I'm seeing tons of control flows each day, so I'd rely on others' guides and mainly enjoy the story.
That in this game, it's much beyond the level of multiple-choice. It's not even riddles. It's just a tiresome word play (can be worse for people like me, who read by literally "eyes").
I can't do time-leap, I don't have so much time to deal with the ridiculous word-throwing, so I need a guide! (´・ω・`)ナットク?
Even though, it was over 25 hours of playing time. Not bad for a 1000-JPY game (I bought it when it was on sale).
I think I switched to the game-guide mode not too far after the well known black tea hell sequence. Not less than 5 times of dying, I remember clearly.
So I was mad and searched for help. But the other surprising thing I found with that was...
It used to be an eroge... (# ゚Д゚)
Comparing to psycho or horror or gore, I do believe H-CG's are the worst to both my eyes and brain. Then yandere pictures of girls with focus-less or cat eyes. Therefore, the two traumatic CGs in this game were all of Mihoshi.. Those who have seen them would know what I'm referring to..
She is definitely a yandere. Stop.
And her sister Mitsuki. Isn't this a cursed name? Think about Mitsuki from "Double Cast".
Among the "words" appeared in that game, I did find a few interesting explanations. One of the most impressive was:
Suicide: (...) To give a stare at someone right before falling onto the ground is not a good memory.
Key pick: (...) For quite a lot of times that's an item female characters would have at the beginning.
That's "School Days" and the old-fashioned "BIOHAZARD"! Thank you very much!! xDD
Although the story itself contradicts to itself (or it might be due to my reading-by-eyes-only. Most people would naturally link to "Steins;Gate". But I didn't understand by what kind of trigger someone became able to, and how exactly s/he could move the "time-line". What happens to the world when some one shifts out, and how memories of the rest could change before and after...
It might not be an issue as a game, but it did direct my mind to think more in this aspect. Also, recently I was watching someone playing "Life is strange" (not that interesting), which didn't explain (at the current stage) why and how. So I was mad again. I want to see things that make sense, even in a game! -- Or at least make that to be an "of-course" thing, for instance, Rika just can (since the very beginning) go back and experience different loops in Higurashi.
Thinking too much about time-line or paradox, and a few days ago, a sudden thought came out as "if I do (or not do) something today, 'yorlga II' would be delayed".
No, it's not funny. I even skipped the samples. Hirota said the taste would be strong, so I don't want to ruin my current "plain" sensation.
I'll welcome a sharp change. It's not jump scare of H or yandere girl CGs any way!!
The aftermath was, I lost my interesting to get "Steins;Gate 0" (and other visual novels). So let me make a note here.
If it's on sale again next time, and I've already finished "Steins;Gate", I'll get it.
The biggest reason I decided to transform with php was it's so easy to deal with Get and Post and MySql and escape special characters and so on. Just like I choose actual scissors over a Swiss army knife when I want to cut, although the latter is definitely more multi-functional.
But as a camel follower, it's not a good experience each time when I see minor bugs due to "habit" and "bad grammar".
The above was still okay.
The thing I began to hate php was how it evaluate whether a variable is true, defined, empty or this sort. As I can't define all variables I need at begin and test later. So,
if (!$variable)
works perfectly in Perl but
if (!isset($variable))
kept bothering me over these days.
Moreover, I have to literally put parentheses around every
, the REGEX match/replace require so much more typing, and blocks such as a
if statement
doesn't have its own scope.
I wonder what I would complain if I started with php instead of Perl. Though I'd never know.
I can't do time leap.

♡ からっぽい?

Since its last year's release, I tried to remember what that classical piece is, that appears at the end of Mitose Noriko's "小さな庭", the last track from her "SilentHiSongs". The first impression plus my classical experience told me that the composer must be Beethoven, as I'm not a very huge fan of him I couldn't reach the very end conclusion.
In this week since I began my Beethoven loop (simply as working BGM after the folder playing of DG's Brahms collection... orz)...
It's "Pathétique"! Now I'm good.
Honestly, I don't want to touch this song too often, for now. It makes me feeling sad.
However! Fining the true answer couldn't change the fact that my rather low compatibility with Beethoven. After being dumped (of a much higher amount comparing to dumping a project-sized database) with so many piano sonatas in the whole day, if I was asked for what I was listening to, perhaps I wouldn't be able to answer.
Think about it, what was I listening to???
Some melodies that couldn't turn on the switch of my "to love" system.
Not sweet enough. For certain.
So on that day, as a "ending melody", I flipped to K.298, something got my super attention since 18 years ago.
It was sweet, so I was good.
As for compatibility. In my Tuesday night dream, I "saw" I was playing a FPS, presumably "biohazard 7". I played quite a while, and told my self, "so I'm not sick to FPS any more!".
But is the reality so? I doubt.
I should test myself using Code Veronica's battle game. But it requires LOTS of courage -- I wasn't pleased with the terrible afternoon with "Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth". ~_~
To look forward the coming Biohazard 3D animation would be more of excitement.
The human brain is fantastic. For no reason on Tuesday (or Wednesday) morning I hummed the main melody of Tchaikovsky's "Variations on a Rococo Theme". Even I felt weird, that why this piece? ^^;;
Although soon the song I sing to myself turned to KOKIA's "song of pocchong" (that was so great for practising position shifting)!
-- A wonder follows. Only one day after a no-touch, out of anyone's expectation, that all but the A string were loose. I'd say, the pegs were like being once plugged out. Yet I believe I didn't do anything!
Unfortunately no one knew what happened exactly inside the case. ( ゚д゚ )
One of the most recent upates on Opera Developer allowed us to select right on links!
Thank you very much!! キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!

★ Hello PHP!

I don't understand why the "D" key was the first one to break on my laptop. If it's really due to daily use, keys like "Ctrl", "Z", "C", "V", etc would die much quicker than "D".
At least now I have a comfortable wireless keyboard, and I'm writing on my Surface 3..
Like I said in the first post of this year, I've just finished reading "Learning PHP5" (and just noticed PHP7 was out on the official website). I hadn't got such a big ease before while reading any "textbook" like this one. Perl and PHP are really good sisters!
There's also a "PHP Cookbook" by hand (I own the "Perl Cookbook" but unfortunately I never really read it -_-''). Obviously my next goal is to...
Honestly I still don't understand why it behaves differently using Perl/CGI on my local host and the remote host. Hope the experience with cookie/session (more straightly, user login) can be a sweeter one this time. PHP was designed for websites!
And, please let me believe there's no UTF-8 issue in php... ._.
After finishing reading, I just manually installed PHP on my local computer last evening, and it was a happier one compared to Perl/CGI+Apache, but here I do believe it's largely contributed by my previous experience with them. But still, I'd like to leave some memos for future reference.
Apache version 2.4 - perhaps it doesn't matter but Perl/CGI has already been configured
PHP version 5.6.30 (VC11 x64 Thread Safe) - to use with Apache Thread Safe is a must
NOTE: both Apache and PHP should be either x86 or x64 at the same time.
- download the PHP zip file, unzip, and record its DIR path
- append into Apache's "conf/httpd.conf"
LoadModule php5_module "D:/ProtableProgs/php/php5apache2_4.dll"
AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php
# configure the path to php.ini
PHPIniDir "D:/ProtableProgs/php"
also modify:
DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
- add into system variable PATH:
D:\ProtableProgs\php;D:\Program Files\Apache24;D:\Program Files\Apache24\bin
- edit "php.ini"
; Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside.
and uncomment following lines:
; http://php.net/extension-dir
extension_dir = "./"
; On windows:
extension_dir = "ext"
Uncomment mysql modules
in CMD, type
D:path\php -m
to check active modules.
should be good, all done, those so-called all-in-one package installers can go to hell~ (/・ω・)/
Yorlga 2's tracklist has been announced. I know samples are also out but I want to wait for the actual release.
Just reading each character of the tracklist, I feel like to assign a new array, and "push" each into the array one by one. Like Noriko said in her twitter, it's a beautiful arrangement of text!
It's too late so I'm not going to find it again and copy-paste it here then do some crazy delusions...
Another thing I've learned to be super important. Pay attention to the ingredients of eye drops. E.g. naphazoline is not good, tetrahydrozoline is better (sadly I don't recall a single thing from organic chemistry). Just threw out the remainder of bottle that contained mainly naphazoline. From now on I'm with Sante.. xD
Last, Steins;Gate 0 is on discount, 71% off!! I know it's always a good choice to wait for such a moment. I don't really care whether I can get to play a new game right on its release day or not!
Maybe with Yorlga 2's release I can be more stimulated, but recently, I've been playing through all my Brahms pieces and got completely downed in terms of making new arts. Therefore it's almost time for me to "remake". ("Revive" sounds a good pick, isn't it. :3)
Persona 4 is fun! Regardless I keep reading its title on the box as "PAG" instead of "P4G"! lol

✽ New Char: Haizora Shizuku (lies)

With a REAL keyboard, it's so great to live with a little Surface. Finally no more harsh struggle in typing quickly or trouble in coding/HTML-tagging on my little Surface, or dealing with an alternative way instead of various shortcuts, or getting mad at any accidents of touching the top right corner and closing something.
Now my Surface IS a computer~!
And eventually I can bring back my long forgotten "Preload" CMD variables!
A few drawbacks so far.
- It doesn't have "Home/End" keys
- No PrtScr key
- When I press Alt+F4 on any window, it turns my Surface to sleep -- It might be my system setting, but on my laptop, it closes the currently opened window (well, just figured out that I need to press Alt+Fn+F4...)
Generally, I'm picky on keyboards, especially the touch-feeling. Based on my (perhaps outdated) experience, keyboards I don't like include but not limited to IBM, Lenovo, HP and Toshiba.
From Sound Horizon's album "Elysion", there is a part that sings "you get one, and you want ten more".
So true.
A few days ago, when I finally saw the outside sky was a pure grey, and was almost excited to loop "Haizora no Shizuku", I began to ask "why there's no snow? It would fit the song 1k times better."
As a result, I went to level up in game instead of looping the song. orz
BTW, if taking out the kana "no" from this song title, it becomes "Haizora Shizuku", which can't stop me thinking of a girl's name. ^^;
binaria is releasing a new mini-album at the end of next month, and the CD cover image has been published.
While my first impression was:

It's like a witch's barrier in Puella Magica! lol
↑ That why I got such a thought, wasn't completely because of what I was playing and cleared in the past 2 weeks.
Although most players including me tend to die a lot at the very beginning, I do think the battle is great, except that my left analog stick keeps drifting (a chronic problem. I can't even open the controller because one screw was worn out for some reason). I'm not writing any review toward the game or such, the only point here is, don't you think being able to control time, even that's a short moment, is fantastic? That's exactly how I got S rank in the "True Walpurgisnacht fight". Stop the time, and toss a bunch of bombs at her face; when time resumes, you see her HP gauge decreases for ... a lot. xD;;
I indeed used Homura very, very frequently. Another big reason, as a Biohazard fangirl, I can't refuse the sweet rocket launcher!!

"Aooni" movie anime's PV is out, with a short portion of Akiko's theme song~!
I should watch it, and it does have a gorgeous staff/cast group.
↓ Shown in related videos, I saw this.

FF15 bug festival! Laughing too much and my stomach hurts.. (゚A゚;)ゴクリ
Is it Mitsuda Yasunori's ultimate power? That in just about a week, this CD is already out of stock in Amazon?? The other item I saw being quickly out of stock is Biohazard 7 (which I'm still hesitating whether to buy it.)

Based on amazon buyer's reviews, the game itself is quite bad. So maybe wait for a cheaper used copy/sale discount is a smarter choice. Glad I didn't preorder.. -__-''
But the music itself has nothing to complain. Even though I can't tell the musical style of Mitsuda Yasunori, I like his works!
Also, while listening to the vocal pieces with Sarah's voice, I began to daydream, to replace her voice with KOKIA's... that must be great too.