音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❆ Being Satisfied

Well, this year’s topic of Blog Action Day pertains to poverty. Unfortunately, I have not the ability to develop the idea flourish; and here I just want to talk a little of my own thinking, even if my words sound somewhat silly and meaningless… You can discard this post because even I think it's a real trivia.
In my opinion, poverty is a mind state of being unsatisfied. If I think I’m satisfied by something, I’ll not be poverty of it. Maybe many people would believe that kind of thinking would make people achieve more. However, it’s better to be satisfied, or life would sap us up. Try to image, if, people think their work is dull and thus they can’t be satisfied by working, then what to do? Stop work? Or change works? In fact, it’s not easy to live without work, to change is difficult too. Now, the truth is, if you don’t like something, you may do another as a placebo. For example, enjoy the time outside working to release the repression, take a walk, or listen to some peaceful music. Although works fail to make people happy, the others’ would.
Yeah, here, I don’t forget that what the first meaning of “poverty” is, though we, as common people, have no idea on how to improve the bad situation. I think, though one may not give a cent to help others, the one is helpful for that one is satisfied to life; at least, be satisfied to most of life. At this level, it maintains a steady world. So if you are satisfied by your life, you are harmless and have not poverty.
To me, I’m not poverty of most aspects of life. Sometimes even a “small thing” can make me joyful. Such satisfaction is very precious. No more wants, no more disappointments, and it leads me a peaceful life.

✽ I Fumed with the Duplication

In the morning of Oct. 11, again my vagary propelled me to open Google, input “Seraphic Harmony,” the title of my suspected fiction. I used to find my own fragmental writing at the very front of search results, but this time was different — I found it: Seraphic Harmony, a fan fiction of Final Fantasy, on the site FanFiction.net, (and that’s why I also registered too). Oh, my, what the hell is it? No, no, no. where has my own writing gone?
I fumed with the perfect duplication.
However, that guy got the forestalment of the name: that guy published his/her writing with the name; although I ever referred the name, I never published it before. Yes, I know, the same titles would not be involved in right of creation; but, to condescend to use the same title (with the case of I’m the later who would be thought a follower), I disdain it.
Hell! It’s time to change the title of my fiction!
I like to name, but it’s not easy. I always admire many brilliant artists whose titles are profound, confound and marvellous, (Yuki Kajiura, Revo, Rekka Katakiri, etc…). I also know I not belong to that region. Yet I’m little decline to be a perfectionist, I want to make my works look good, (oh, who don’t want?). Ok, back to my title. The most original name I have forgot, I just know it turned to be “Seraphic Harmony.” This title cost my large vigor to make decision; however, again I’m facing to change it. Sure, I’ll not change its meaning.
I have to resist my tenet: no duplication.
But, my hell tenet, what it would be?
And, how about to write in another language? Germany, for example…
I know, I understand nothing about Germany, but I want to have a try. I just think wrote German gives me a good feeling; I mean, they look beautiful in order. I’ve had not only once to learn the language but I’ve no time… and this time, German, you’ll save me from my dilemma!
Try it. Yes, I have some tracks of the German New Age band: Merlin’s Magic. From these tracks, I learned “himmel” means “sky,” and “harmony” is wrote as “harmonie,” also “des” could be “of.” Fortunately, I have a German-English Dictionary in my PC. Thus, I found “Himmelreich” is “Heaven,” paradise or sky. Good, fays are dancing around me.
So I worked out finally: “Harmonie des Himmelreich.”
Beautiful in writing, huh?
Not bad, rays of sun are drifting toward me.
Sometimes my hell-like tenet impels my mind to be a storm, but in most times, besides that I’ve to spend times, it’s exactly harmless.

✯ Yuki-Puzzle!

Today, I saw a post on “Canta per me” forum; an interesting little game: to select one musician/singer/band who is your favorite, then answer 10 questions with ONLY the titles of the artist you have selected.
And that’s the questions and my answer:
==>To select your favorite artist: Yuki Kajiura (definitely)!!!
1. Are you male or female? --> Cossette (Le Portrait de Petit Cossette)
2. Describe yourself. --> I am free (Xenosaga II)
3. What do people feel when they're around you? --> (We Are So) Together (Everything – Saeko Chiba)
4. How would you describe your previous relationship? --> Labyrinth (.hack//SIGN)
5. Describe your current relationship. --> secret game (noir)
6. Where would you want to be now? --> forest (el cazador)
7. How do you feel about love? --> It's only the fairy tale (My Hime)
8. What's your life like? --> ARIA (the Garden of Sinners)
9. What would you ask for if you had only one wish? --> the place of eternity (el cazador)
10. Say something wise. --> we've got to believe in something (Xenosaga III)
Very funny and happy, isn’t it?

❈ これが私だったっけ -- Was This Me?

The modern time is full of wonders. I remembered that I stopped my paper diary many days after I started MY OPERA.
There is a folder named “Diary” in my computer. Many MS WORD documents are there which named by years. “2006 H18.doc,” “2007 H19.doc,” and “2008 H20.doc.” Of course, the letter “H” is instead of “Heisei.” Besides these WORD documents, there are also many folders which named by years. I put my photos into them. I believe I’m good at classify and manage files. Somewhat, however, I always see the “H20” in “2008 H20.doc” as H2O (water, you see).
These folders are my trace since 2006, but before that, my trace was, at least in my computer, blank.
My history was put in a total of 32 diaries, (their thicknesses are different).
In recent 2 days, I browsed all the 32 ones. And like polices protect the evidences, I also photographed them page by page, (in a night, I was must be mad)!
Key words: classic, animation, Goddess Yuki
Each seal or picture I attached or drew on pages, my messy handwriting by color pens (which even including silver and golden), using of ideograph and emoticton. They are my pages which have the scent of fruit (from my color pens).
In the middle school, our English teacher sang with us “Holy Night”; our chorus and chalk powder covered duty in the high school; the days when we pleased professors to tell us more about the tests, and also the lab mixed acid and alkali.
I ever wrote with cross languages; I think my middle-school grammar was far too silly; and in my rebellious period, I called myself “boku (which often used by boys but girls).”
My story, which have been considered from middle school, is still unfinished (even one episode), and it has got a great metamorphosis. The only-4-heroine frame turned to a perfect “The COVEN.” From my diary, I can see the whole process of the metamorphosis. Moreover, I also find some vestiges about how I became a lolicon.
Besides them, it’s still what?
No matter what is it, but was this me?
I still have a diary, which I even can’t read it smoothly, except the 32 ones. That is a red, locked, small HELLO KITTY diary. My mother bought it as a commemoration of my entering into primary school. That diary was turned into a palimpsest in later years. In grade one, I ever wrote on it with pencil, and I erased my writing later, by some reasons. Maybe I wanted to re-use the diary, and on its first page, I wrote down “July, 1996.” Regrettably, I stopped the writing in August in the same year. And then, the next date was July, 1998. (Why I always started my diary from July, and also from July 1? Did I think I would have time of diary during summer days?) By the way, the previous “July, 1998” looks like “Kara no Kyoukai (the Garden of Sinners),” doesn’t it?
But, I just can’t say more about “my first diary.” I just have not enough courage to read it. Like “Today is new semester, no,” with explaining drawing made by simple style. It’s too pure to read. I always feel shy when I read—my first drawing diary.
Texts and words go inward and outward. Step by step, I’m changing. I have left it a little far from my affection of classic though I still love it; I think my handwriting of English became more beautiful; I lost some interesting to Rakugo (comic talking); the interesting of Haiku ever surged; my favorite singers became more; my drawings looked better and better; “War and Peace” made its top position in my mind; I read all books about Dali of university library; I have more egoism and less politics; I also turn to become, gradually, a zealot for Loli, Goddess Yuki, biology and MY OPERA.
Did I ever live like that? I know the answer is “Yes,” because it’s a mixture of firm truths and hollow feelings.
The girl who wrote down the diaries was me, and the girl who read them is also me.
I am an only-one in the world. And everyone is.
Now, I, the only-one, will have to study hard…
私のパソコンに、一つ「Diary」というフォルダーがある。MS WORDの年別で名づいた日記ファイルがここに置かれる。「2006 H18.doc」、「2007 H19.doc」、そして「2008 H20.doc」。もちろん、このHは「平成」をさす。MS WORD以外、同じく年別で分かれるフォルダーがある。○○年の写真を収納する。
私は、ファイルなどを分類したり、管理することが上手だと信じる。ただ、なんだか、あの「2008 H20.doc」の「H20」は、私の目にいつもH2Oと見られる。
その32つの日記帳以外、また一つ、私は読むことさえうまく出来ない日記帳がある。小学校入学記念として、お母さんが書いてくれた、「HELLO KITTY」の真赤でロック付きの小さい日記帳。あれが後の私に重ね書きにされた。一年生の鉛筆、後で何のわけで自分に消された。書き直しようと思ったかな、私の醜い「1996年、7月」が始めのページに残された。残念ながら、およそ同年の8月になって私は止めた。そして次の日付けは「1998年、7月」だった(どうしていつも7月、しかも7月1日?夏休みが長いから日記の時間があるってわけ?)。ちなみに、上記の「1998年、7月」、ちょっと「空の境界」っぽくない?

♢ Love in the Rain

Today is a day with rain and tiny coldness. I fetched this CD accidentally.
That was “noir WHITE IN BLACK Vocal Song Collection.”
Thus, I heard See-Saw’s “love.”
It’s so long since last time I listened to See-Saw…
“love” is in my top 5 of See-Saw. I just like it no matter how much times I hear it.
And especially in such a rainy day; I get the song with more affection.
With the melody, early autumn rain rises in mind. Fine and coldly, gradually, vision becomes vague, and fade into pale…you chill even with hands bracing the arms…the back yard where nobody is…just few people in the street, cars pass away rapidly, with water splashes up…the air is very clear, and…also, memories turn to clear…
…it seemed that I used to listened “love” in rainy days. Well, there is another song, “Emu.Moa.” It is also fit with rain, though in its case, the ambience is shift to a gloom bar: the dim light, the bright crimson wine, the goblet which reflects the mild light, coldly, and “Emu.Moa” with melancholy violin…
Is it the best heaven of rain songs?
It not because the habit of attaching ambiance to any piece of melody, I, however, just enjoy doing it.
And I’m very entranced with it.
「noir 黒の中の白 Vocal Song Collection」だった。


The Kalafina (Yuki Kajiura)’ new single “sprinter/ARIA” was released yesterday, and the DVD Vol.3 of “Kara no KyouKai” was released last week. I just can’t restrain the situation of my empty purse recently.
I’ve be ready to enjoy talking about “Kara no Kyoukai” and its related OST’s until the day I get them all. But here, I will talk on yesterday’s “sprinter/ARIA,” and I think I must.
Frankly, I failed to pay more attentions on “sprinter,” does it because of that I don’t prefer such style? But “ARIA,” is very beautiful (please caution its capital written title)!
The low beating percussions draw out the introduction chorus, and it’s fully Kajiura-style. The style is repeated throughout the song, and makes the song more sacred (00:06). Silently, soprano sings (00:29), with the chorus turns to richer (00:47). Finally, all instruments plays together, and the main melody soars up, gravely, and somewhat melancholily (01:15). The soprano, the chorus, the accompaniment, and also the tranquil drums beating, are all enclosed and mixed into one piece of endless emotion (01:42).
In second stanza, the first stanza is repeated with deeper intense (02:22). Then, the intermezzo (03:08) listens to more bright and saturated fully with exotic (of Greek?) elements. Later, main melody repeats, with the tempo turns little slow, the percussions performs more delicate, and booms stronger (03:32).
When that melody gets ended, there is a short silence (03:50), then again is the repeat of climax (04:30). After most accompaniments fade out (04:28), accompanied with the chorus like beginning, the song flows towards its sacredness ending (04:58).
To me that have affection on slow songs, “ARIA” is really beautiful.
昨日、Kalafina(梶浦由記)の新しいシングル、「sprinter/ARIA」が発売されていた、また先週、「空の境界」のDVD Vol.3も発売されていた。最近、お財布がいつも空っぽくなりがちだね。

★ Immersing in the Complete Classic

Recently, I am not listening to anything but classics, for I need to remember and do many exercises. Before, I also would choose to listen to some animation background music, but I renewed my idea after I found that such music are attract my attentions as the same as lyrics included songs!
Therefore, for having a good concentration, I stacked a tiny pile of classic CD’s—which replaced the animations’. Although sometimes I still will be drag off from my concentration, this pile of CD’s surely worked (at least I think so).
Now just talk about them.
Piano is the Best
The best choice is a piano compilation of romantic musicians: Schubert, Schumann, Chopin, Tchaikovsky, Mendelssohn, Brahms, Liszt, and Mozart; KLEINE STUCKE GROBER MEISTER, made by PILZ CD, Germany, 1988, which my aunt brought there. This piano pieces have a modest speed, and a good melodies. I don’t like impressionism, because I can hardly find a clear melody line and such “vague music” always make me faint…
Night with Chopin
In the night, I will choose Chopin’s nocturnes. In all his nocturnes, I only get strong impressions on a few pieces, the B Flat Minor Op. 9-1, the E Flat Major Op. 9-2, and E Major Op. 62-2, but all are so silent and so peaceful, so delicate and so gossamer, that I don’t want to make any noise to trouble it, then my heart also get quieted. During the whole night, I can have an ease study time.
The Well-Tempered Afternoon
J. S. Bach’s The Well-Tempered Clavier complete by Sviatoslav Richter, I’ve been cherished the 4-CD-suit since my high school days. I don’t if it’s the most famous version, (for I still have a 2-DVD-suit version of this work, which I can’t understand all its introduction for the absence of subtitle >_<,) I like this version. The tiny noise in the background gets the CD’s listened little sepia, simple and quiet. This work is very fit for a hot summer afternoon, for you can find the cool from the music.
Four Twilight Violins
The world-famous four violin concerto, I also cherish a compilation of them. Someone, like Mrs Eri, my mother, thinks such emotional music is not fit for study and hot summer, but I don’t. “Why you listen so ‘hot’ works in the torrid time?” she asked so. “Because I just like.” Certainly, the more they are emotional, the efficient I have . Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Mendelssohn, and Brahms, four famous musician and four splendid works!
Mozart is all the Time
It’s said that listen to Mozart will get you lucid. I don’t know whether it’s right, I do it only think Mozart’s music is catchy (which is like Kajiura’s) but you can put it in the background (which is don’t like Kajiura’s). Also you will not feel tired on the repeated CD. So when I’m inactive to stand up for changing of CD, I will set the player to repeat a Mozart’s disk. I can even enjoy the same CD in a whole day.
Just Avoid Beethoven
I accept most classic during study, but Beethoven’s (beside his violin concerto), especially his three famous piano sonatas and the best-known symphony No.9. His piano sonatas, “Moonlight,” “Pathetique,” and “Appassionata,” I feel I can’t stay at ease even in the 1st movement of “Moonlight.” In other parts, in spite of the emotional expression of music, I can deal of them well, those deep-pitched notes almost drive me mad! Low! They’re too LOW! As to his Symphony No.9, do you think here I still need to tell all? Just want to take care of my study, I decided that I will avoid Beethoven in my study.
Enjoy the Classic
Classic is not such opaque like someone said, they are friendly to your nerve. When you are tired about the current pops, to take an excursion to classic, and you may fall in love with classic from now on. In each time of I impressing on the Baroque regularity, of I grin for Haydn’s surprised tone trick, of I lamenting on Tchaikovsky’s depressed grandeur, of I humming with “Hallelujah,” I will be satisfied with myself.
Study that immersing in the classic is not bad, exactly.