音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❈ Thank you, GHOST!

It was not the first time I met such status. I could be sure a virus was in my PC, it infected a log file and I couldn't clear it even by the newest virus feature database. So last time I deleted the log file ( it is dangers, never do it unless you are hopeless to the virus ) and found my PC returned to normal. But yesterday the virus infected my PC again. I had to recover my drive C but… I didn't know why too, when I finished all the necessary systemic regulation, I restarted my PC. Unfortunately! Several boxes opened and showed me there were some system error! That was not my first regulated my system, why it could be so? However I closed that all the boxes and my system was used normal, I could not accept such a fact. My PC could not have any system error!
Then I remembered some days before, I ever had my PC GHOSTed! I rejoiced I did it. Now, what should I do except recovered my PC by GHOST?
At last, yes it was a happy ending. After GHOST, my PC became normal again. No any virus in it. Thank you, GHOST!
Ps. Be sure own a safe duplicate of your systemic drive so that you can recover your PC at any time. And the replicate should better run in DOS. It's more safer. At here I recommend the software GHOST.
Also, I will thank Hirone-Sensei, my computer teacher. Thanked for him, I knew what is GHOST and how to use it.
<little lovely virus>

★ 如月がやって来ました / Here Came KISARAGI

Kisaragi means "Feburery" in Japanese, it's a month filled with pleasure, a month for plum blossom viewing, and it is also my only month.
Here came my only Kisaragi silently.
4 days passed and yesterday was the Beginning of Spring of the lular calendar. Here became warmer and the wind is not so chilly that turned softly. Spring is coming to my city.
There is only one regret here: there isn't any plum blossom near my home. But if February is called "Umemigetsu (Japanese: it means a month for plum blossom viewing)", don't we should to do that? Though I wanted go every year, I never went even only one time at last. Is my sense of the seasons disappering?
But another one made me very happy and satisfied. Kisaragi is regard to be filled with endless pleasure, and I am happy now. Ask me why, I watched all the animation <ARIA>, it made me joyful, and only the soothing style such as <ARIA> can give me this joy, I believe it. I was waiting this animation since last summer vacation, and finally, I watched it in this long winter vacation. So here I, who have watched all the series of <ARIA>, want to say something from my heart: the wish that gentleness which from AQUA can reach everyone, can comes ture in the near future.
There is also another thing happened in the Beginning of Spring, I got up and wanted to put on my slippers. But I stopped and supriesed for I found something in one slipper. It touched round and hard. I took it out, exceeding my expectation, it was my tortoise. Commoly it often hides in some dark corner even I couldn't find it out. Now it went out, did it feel the steps of spring?
I though might it need water, so I put it into the bucket. Till now it is staying here calmly. It's floating on the water free and seemed safited. It's so lovely and interesting!
In this way, my only Kisaragi is going on.

✾ An Illusion or Not

What do you think when you looked at the photos? Are they real? Are the pictures modified by the photoshop? I would've thought so if I weren't the person who took the pictures. Those are the original photos without any modification.
At first, I just wanted to take photos of the beautiful night view from my windows. I stood at the window taking the photos. The wind was cold and I took. But… the pictures which I saw were very very suspicious. What's that? The thread of light like the lamps (in fact they were the lamps) crooked, it's also not the same as the lightning, it's more like the lit-up snakes dancing in the night sky.
But, let me tried again. Finally, I only got the "dancing snakes of light" photos thought I have tried several times.
In the end, wished to get clear photos, I put my camera on the windowsill, in this time I successed.
However, all the photos looked in a hue of red so that they seemed that there was a city-range conflagration. Therefore, how about I called the series of photos to "in the end of the world, from my window"?

❋ Royce NAMA Chocolate

I got a present from a friend of mine of Chocolate named Royce NAMA. I'm very happy because I love chocolate.
"The mellow aroma
as the box be opend,
You can feel the luxury
from all a grain,
also the feeling like silk."
There is a poem printed on the box. Indeed, the chocolate has more aroma than sweetness. I could feel the aroma of the coffee grain permeating from my tongue to the rest part of my body, and to my heart, too. I could also enjoy the lasting teast, just like I enjoy the lasting of music. It's wonderful. Though I've eaten a lot of chocolate, NAMA seems to be the best. Is it my own mysterious on chocolate? Or the charm of the chocolate?
The NAMA Chocolate came from Hokkadou. Although I have never been to Hokkadou, the chocolate brought the place here to me: that delicate aroma, that silky taste, that bit of bitter-sweetness. Very nice. One thing come from one region, as I thought.
The chocolate reminds me of Valentine's Day, and Royce NAMA makes an wxcellent gift.

❈ 苦しかったり楽しかったり

NightmaRe (Test Ver.)
今 何時か教えて よると云って 抱きしめて
廃墟なる本に 見覚えがある
あなたと めくった ノートの中
どうしてわすれ あたしはわすれ
すぐに すぐに 覚えるだと気づく
瓦礫を走る なにか蹴飛ばす
から覚める をさがすの
はやくいかなきゃ はやくいかなきゃ
どこかで あなたの限りがあるの
動いている テストの中しか
終わりなんて 見えないんだ…
☆今 何時か教えて よると云って 抱きしめて
止まりかけた あたしのを 動かして お願い
手元に あなたはいる
たぶん 違うものがある
理解なんか いらない
あなたの欠片さえ 今 恋しくて☆
あなたを想う こんなに想う
そんな あたしを ゆめで みつけたの
もっと知りたい もっと知りたい
あなたのことを もっと もっと 知りたい
なんとかしなきゃ しっかりしなきゃ
どんなテストにも ため息が溢れる
時が愛しい なぜか愛しい
今はもっと あなたを知りたい
忘れてたよ 書かなければ
どんな試験でも はじまらないんだ
一分一秒でも ずっと ずっと 抱きしめて
悪い結果を みていただけと 囁いてください
手元に あなたがいた
今も きっと そばにいるの
あなたのしか 届かないんだ
頭 痛いんだ
「時間が長い」とか たまには聞きたいんだ

❆ Brand New Breeze

いつの間にか、すごく嬉しく感じられたのか?「Brand New Breeze」という歌を聞こえたとき、溢れ出した暖かさのせいなの?
ただいま、やさしくて小さな幸せの種が芽吹き始めた。では、歌の中段、その有名なクラシックバイオリン曲、Elgarの「Salut d'amour」は、その種にとしてはなに?甘い露?生きる泉?あるいは走り続ける希望?これを聞いて、涙が出るほど心が豊かにならせたり、満足な笑顔をしたりした。
I don't know when it happened that I found it's so joyful? Did the reason was the flowed out warn from the song <Brand New Breeze>?
Today is the first day in 2007. It rained all day, but I didn't mind it at all. I was a little amazed, though, because I could barely recall a rainy New Year's Day.
I was having an uneventful day until 4 in the afternoon when I heard a song that warmed my heart.
Though I just listened to the song recently, I was still overjoyed hearing it again. Kanon sang softly after the flowing, harmonic prelude. Her voice was the same as in <Gloria> with that characteristic gentleness. As she sang, I felt as if the rain had stopped and the world shone brilliantly. Why was I so joyful? Was it Because of the music? Because of the song? Or because I felt angels dancing around?
The seed of joy started to sprout now. To be notice the classic melody which was inserted to the middle of the song. The classic melody was named <Salut d'amour> and it composed by the famous composer Elgar. That, what's the character of the classic melody in the song? Is it the sweet dew? The life spring? Or the hope of existence? The music filled my heart and I was in tears but smiling at the same time.
In the music, liked the fresh, joyful and warm music floated, which was the present we got from the 'new breeze'. I'm here, at the little corner of the world, keeping my eyes closed, breathing and praying. Wishing to live joyfully if I have done it. Now I'm inn the junction of past, nonce, and future, I can smile as much as my like. And also, wishing to send this movement forevermore, wishing to brand the imprint of my life forevermore.

♡ あけましておめでとうございます

Hello! Everyone!
Today is Dec.31st, and also the last day in this year. The new year will come after today past.
Therefore I wish my all friends.
Happy new year!
I finished the present for myself.
The sign of my blog name and my name. I embroidered them on my lab clothes.
Isn't it lovely? Haha!
By the way, the photo is took while the clothes was being washed.
The white bubbles were so lovely!
Well, let's meet next year!