音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♤ Cotton & moment

After two weeks of my crazy looping of KOKIA songs (around 1500 plays within one week when I'm online), I turned to loop Noriko Mitose again. Maybe that was by chance, this morning, I read in her blog, that she is going to release a new album,
"Cotton Vol. 2"
Finally, Noriko, I can enjoy your new works! What a long time since your last release... T_T

↑click and check~ no any details there yet though. So let's looking forward it!
Her first "Cotton" was beautiful, and that was also my first album of hers – even though I knew her earlier that "Cotton", "Cotton" made Noriko becoming one of my favorite singer.
I believe this time, it will be another beautiful work. It must be, Noriko's voice is so pretty anyway~
Talk about music, KOKIA is going to make her on-stage album "moment" on March 4-6th. There is no more information about it, at least she only mentioned she was working on new songs for that from her blog. She also said she's going to make a photobook for titti. Wahhh, what a photobook it will be! I'm really curious! xD

↑moment... I know, this image has been on her home page for a pretty long while... ^^;
Okay, I know actually it's not the time for me to write a blog post. I haven't prepared for tomorrow's TA, orz... and I have a paper to read for the lab meeting on Thursday... so let me end here. I'll write something new soon again (maybe).
(P.S. I'm so happy that I retrieved myself back to blogging.)

♡ RNA Maze + Recent Trivia

I was hiding from my gtalk for all weekdays during this week, because I needed concentration – for my current project, which is to find out tetraloop interactions as much as possible.
The basic procedure of my project is simple: go through the database, filter all possible RNA tertiary structures, and look for tetraloop interactions (don't ask me what it is, ask wikipedia for it!). For small RNA molecules, it's very easy to say if the tertiary structure contains such a interaction. But, the hardest part is those large RNA molecules. The larger it is, the harder to check the structure – especially the software I use, which is DeepView, does not work perfectly with RNA structures.

First, you open the (large) RNA file;

Second, you look for the loop you want to check;

Last, you hide other regions and see if it is a tetraloop interaction (in this case, it is not :P).
You see, it's easy, yet it can make you dizzy enough. Maybe I should ask my boss for a new pair of glasses! lol
I've said in last post, I was looping KOKIA's concert audio rips. Today, when I checked my last.fm page again, I was (not that) surprised by the record. I had been looping KOKIA's songs for a whole week! Superb, now KOKIA's play count increased for about 1000+ comparing with that before week. KOKIA, you're really, really my favorite artist! <3
I also got some random snaps after a pretty long while.

A big fatty hare! XDD
Finally, some newest screen shots from my DN life.
No. 1, Heaven's Judgement

You know (I hope), my priest on DN got his ultimate lv40 skill, Heaven's judgement. I really like this skill, so cool, plus Daisuke Namikawa's voice~~ Kyaa~ I'm dying~~ xDD
No. 2, Critical attack

Though my priest has only 2000+ magic attack, he could get "critical" high damage. Here, it's over 20k!
No. 3 Erase
Recently, the game got some skill attributes changed, so the company gave everyone a chance to reset our skills. By chance, I earned two chances, so I would like my force user to try another ultimate lv40 skill: erase.
It's beautiful, but I still love meteor storm. :P

❅ KOKIA本命&生存確認

Being hiding for 1.5 months!!
Gotta revive right now!
Today, just read Matsuo's blog – he was so cute! And, yes, KOKIA is my favorite artist forever! (no more explanation, it's a thing only I myself can understand.)
So, in the past one and half months, I've learned a lot,
that French is so... bad for me.
Yet I really wanna learn French.
Because KOKIA loves French... orz.
For myself, I love German the most (except Japanese, of course). At least, I can read a German word without taking too much of effort to remember the pronunciation rules.
In case of French, that is so different. There are many letters that won't be pronounced – how can I know them? That's so weird. If you don't pronounce a letter, why did you include the letter in your alphabet?! o_O
In one word, I'm very annoyed by French. I don't know how to explain it. I just don't feel good when I learn it.
Maybe, it's because I've been used to learn a language by myself?
Have been a TA for a month and half too. That was really very interesting. Though I'm really not a good teacher. I sometimes don't know how to answer their questions – I really don't know! Anyway, I need to improve on that point. :P
By chance, I got an English dubbed version of "Saikano". So, you know, I love that animation very much, and therefore, I spend several days to re-watch it again. It was my first time to watch an anime in English. The vocals were not bad, yet I more love the original Japanese voices. XD By the way, I was looping Hanako Oku's "Kusabi" for some days, and loved it a lot. Suddenly, I thought it might be good if there were a video clip of the combination of those two, the anime and the song. Hmm, maybe I can try to challenge, but, I've never tried to make a video clip. Can I really do it?!
During the last weekend, I looped KOKIA's concert again and again. I'd stopped looping her songs for a few days, but once I began to loop her songs again, I couldn't stop easily. Only she can sing so good in a concert, and only she can perform even better on a stage than in a studio! (ヽ´ω`)
Gonna end this post here. I only want to express my feeling toward KOKIA in this day, as well as to confirm my existence. So, good night~ u_u

✯ 夢ヲ買イマス/Dream Trade

Finally a new work on December 29.
The title is "夢ヲ買イマス (Yume wo Kaimasu)"; you can understand it as "Dream Tread" literally.
This one was based on (?) Noriko Mitose's novel for her conception album "Yorlga". So far, I only read its first chapter "Hisui no Kotori (A Jade-green Bird)", which mainly describes the "Dream-Trade Store". There is a golden-hair girl in green dress in that chapter, and that was also whom I was depicting. I don't know if my understanding toward the girl's image is right, but... I enjoyed during the drawing. ^^;
Maybe I should ask Noriko for that someday. xDD

❅ みなさん、メリー・クリスマスです!!

:xmas: 「メリー・クリスマス」 :xmas2:
1. 古い古いドイツ語の本を読み切れ、
2. フランス語の勉強にいっそがんばれ、
3. いいTAになれ、
4. より勤勉にラブに働け、
5. おいたままの小説を完成すれ、
6. もっと絵を書いて、
7. 「ドラネス」にもいっぱい楽しんで、
8. もっともっとKOKIAさんの歌を聞いて、応援してあげるっ

Time elapses like a dashing arrow!!
I know, that's so true.
Anyway, this time arrived at our world again,
so, I just want to write it in my blog,
to everybody,
:xmas: "Merry Christmas" :xmas2:
Oh, well, maybe it's also a good chance to write my New Year's ambitions here, though I used to write it later...
1. Finish reading my super old German textbook,
2. Learn French,
3. Be a good TA,
4. Work harder in the lab,
5. Finish my pending novel,
6. Draw more,
7. Enjoy more on "Dragon Nest",
8. Listen to more KOKIA songs, and support her more.
... like those...
They are the only thing I got in my mind...
somehow they are too weak to be ambitions...
However, maybe I will have other ambitions later, maybe,
so that's all I have today.
By the way, I was attracted by the picture above yesterday...
That looks like a fan-art (?) of "Zero - fatal frame", but, don't you think that's so cute?
You see the text: "mi-" "nipah-" "korosu"... aren't they all said by Rika from "Higurashi"..!!
Hauuu~ Now I wanna have a try to that game...

♤ そのままでいい~Be as you are

なぜ?だって、長く待っているKOKIA「Long Journey ~ Road to Glory」ってアルバム購入特典である「輝白ノ翼」を使える日に、素早く使えてしまう結局、KOKIAさんと違うサーバーを選んでこの翼を付けている姿に、KOKIAさんと合うことができないってこと。

だから、どこにいても、そのままで、いいよ。(photo is from KOKIA's blog)
P.S. All in Japanese, and I'm not willing to translate what I wrote. This might just be a piece of random thinking from my heart. However, right now, I'd already begun my holiday mood. (This will be a non-snowy Christmas for me~)

❋ Go, Priest!!

Continue to my previous post, today, my priest reached lv23!

Lv20達成!! // I reached Lv20!
In a main quest at Lv22, you will go to "death swamp" and before that, you need to talk to Argenta, and just before you leave...

うわぁっ、アルゼンタは私をキスをした!! // Kyaaa, Argenta kissed me!!! <3
I was too excited, no? XDD
Another Lv22 quest↓

Umm, that's an alter, literally according to the text.

獅子よ、私はここにっ!! // The boss is a lion... forgot its name orz ... anyway, that's a kind of chimera... ^^; I remember my sorceress died a lot of times in this dungeon lol

私は獅子を捕まった! // However, Cleric is strong, and he won easily!! xD

6ゴールド!「毒の清水」って、こりゃなんだろう…! // After the lion-stage, I went to sell what I picked up, and... see, that it is!! 6-gold-41-silver-50-copper!!! OMG!!! It says "toxic water being sealed in a transparent glass orb"... no clue... :P
I guess today I was very lucky. I met a gold strongbox twice. The first time, I forgot to take a picture, but this time, I did~

黄金の宝箱!! // Lots of money~~~ lol
When I only had around 20points of fatigue, I decided to complete today's last quest. That quest requires you to enter the dungeon "Death Swamp" in master mode and clear it by a higher than C rank. Master mode of that dungeon suggests 4 lv21 players entering together. My priest was lv22, and would be lv23 soon. I was lazy to party with more people, and wanted to earn more EXP. Therefore, I entered by myself. Hmm... no fear, I'm a priest! Just like "Death Forest", he would always be fine~
I thought I would die at least once, because my MP was not that much enough. But, well, I was lucky. The monsters dropped several times of "food" that could increase your HP/MP. In the boss-stage, when again I thought I was going to die, I killed a skeleton and he dropped a grape that can increase 50% of your HP/MP!! Oh, lucky, really!

死の沼、マスター、死ぬことなくクリア~ // Passed without dying!

211コンボ、カッコイイです~ // Max combo, 211, cool!!
During the second map of the "Death Swamp" dungeon, I leveled up to Lv23. So I learned a new skill later, the one I had been dreaming for a long time. I loved that skill so much when I was on DN CN!
↓Grand Cross~

そして私はlv23に達成した。新しいスキルがまじかっこいいです。( ゚∀゚ )
So that's today's report, and by the way, I tried to enter "Minotauros Nest" by myself, but... that was too hard to my lv23 priest... I quit in the boss stage because I knew I couldn't win... T_T But I will try it again when I level up to lv24, and get a new set of lv24 rare outfits.
By the way, just before I quit the game, I changed my just-for-fun guild name. Before, I used KOKIA's song "Shizuku no Uta" as the name, because the name I really preferred was "Road to Glory" but the system doesn't allow so many characters... orz However, I suddenly realised it might work if I use Katakana. "ロードトゥグローリー"!!! Right, another luck. I couldn't write one letter more than these name that contains 10 characters!
But I forgot to take a picture... well, maybe tomorrow~
At last, just hope I can go to Saint Heaven quickly, though I don't believe I can do it before X'mas. XDD