音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❅ You know why I love cleric so much?

The first time when I tried Dragon Nest, I chose a sorceress, but this time, when I'm restarting on DN JP, I chose a cleric.
I have the serial code for the white wings, which is written as "輝白ノ翼" in Japanese. I've been dreaming to have them since I got my copy of KOKIA's "long journey ~Road to Glory~". But... almost half year later, my dream finally came true!
I was not sure whom I should give the wings to, a sorceress or a cleric. Yet eventually I chose cleric. Because... that's a bit complicated, but I just think he would look better with the wings. ... because I more love the character design of cleric... you see... =_= I will definitely begin to play a sorceress when my cleric's level becomes higher (lv 35 or above, I think).
However, I LOVE CLERIC'S VOICE!!! Namikawa Daisuke's voice~ such a sexy voice! =w=
to begin my cleric's growth diary...
When my cleric エレフセヤ♪ (Elefseja) came in Manaridge before Xmas, the small town was already in a huge festival ambience. Manaridge is the best one among all other towns in DN because of the white snow~ btw, I used the same name as that on DN CN, because I'm lazy, and really, really bad on naming males.. -_-b

101214 lv1 マナレージのクリスマス気分
After a quick leveling up to lv3, I walked around in Manaridge, and was excited by Mr. Blacksmith. The Xmas hat fits him perfectly!! XDD

101214 lv3 マナレージのお鍛冶屋さん
To level up to lv9 and go out of the newbie's town is pretty easy. If you have time, you can really do it in one day. However, I finished it in the second day. Here I want to say, the storyline of cleric is so... (I'm not spoiling) so I will only say I like it very much. :P
Anyway, since I was lv9 already and have completed all quests here, time to say goodbye to Manaridge.

101215 lv9_1 行ってきます、マナレージ
Go across Crystal Rain, I was going to Kyadirakku (forgot how to spell the town's name, orz)

101215 lv9_2 こんにちはクリスタルレイン
To be honest, that was not hard to level up to lv15 either! And I made it in the same day with the unused weekly FTG! ♪♪ By the way, I haven't died so far! Cleric is strong!!!!!

101216 lv15_1 レベル15達成
Finally, time to get an advanced job! Of course, I would still be a priest! I love this class, and another reason for me not to be a paladin is that paladin always fights closes to monsters, hmmm, not my favorite~ xDD I got the gift from system, a 7-day outfit.

101217 1 lv15_2 転職1

101217 lv15_3 転職2
Looking from back, you can see the cupid wings better~ :3
As what I planned, the time to obtain "輝白ノ翼" for my cleric finally comes! However, there was a side story. I typed the serial code for several times, but the system said the number was wrong. I was confused and... when I stared at the number again, I suddenly realised, that I might have confused "0" and "O", because the font. The result? My hunch was right... orz
But I was really excited by the wings! So beautiful!! Waahhhh~~ *faints*
Also, I was going to join a guild, but because the guild inventor hasn't been online and I was pleased by my wings, I decided to get my own guild -- even only to enjoy seeing its name!! You know, KOKIA's song, one of my favorite.
"雫の唄 / shizuku no uta".

101217 lv15_4 輝白ノ翼、ギルド誕生
Soon I leveled up to lv16. Time to change my items, all were rare-ranked!!!

101217 lv16_1 装備も揃えなくちゃ
With those new rare-ranked items, I was going to challenge a hard mode by myself. Before entering the dungeon, I took a glance at my wings again. Ohh, I saw information about how you can get it -- buy KOKIA's CD! Superb! XDD

101217 lv16_2 輝白ノ翼の説明にて、KOKIAさんの名前があるよ
Level 16. I suddenly wanted to challenge something I hasn't ever done before -- to challenge the abyss mode by myself when my level is only one higher than the recommendation. So I tried the dungeon "死者の森 / Death Forest", whose abyss mode suggests 4 lv15 players playing together. I entered by myself, at lv16.
Annnnd, I DIDN'T DIE!!! I think I was lucky enough. The monsters dropped meat and herbs for several times. If not, I thought I would die. When I was killing the boss' last blood bar, my own HP was rather low, and I even heard the system sound effect, the heart beating... Because I muted all sound on DN CN, I never knew that until that time. Cool~ :P
I also got 3S rank! Oh, yes!!

101217 lv16_3 一人で死者の森アビスクリア
Before I end this post, here is another funny thing. Because of lag/bug, I was blown outside of the map... see the green arrow that indicates where I was... I could see the map but couldn't enter it... orz

101217 lv16_4 変なところに連れて行かれた orz
Oh, I forgot mentioning one thing. When you reach lv10, you can join the "Goblin Fight" -- to fight with 300 goblins and earn lots of EXP points without using FTG. I didn't do it before, but now I decided to join because I can level up more quickly. When I was below lv15, my best record was around 150, but after my job changing, I could manage to win!! Another fact, before when I gave it my first try with my sorceress or archer, none of then could manage to win at lv15... Have to say it again, cleric is strong, really strong!! XDDD

✿ My complaint toward DN CN...

You know, from my last DN playing post, which was in the middle of October, I began to play a cleric in Dragon Nest CN and found I really like that class. I do love being a sorceress, and I do love sorceress' amazing skills, but the huge disadvantage of a sorceress is she tends to die easily... or maybe because I'm not good at controlling, but so far as I know, my cleric apparently dies for less times than my sorceress. Well, talking about the appearance, I think the character design of cleric is better than sorceress. Hmm... at this point, I love archer's design but I don't enjoy being an archer that much. -_-
Anyway, I'm going to report my new experience on Dragon Nest JP from now on!! Don't talk any about how to go to DN JP, you can get the answer by googling. What I want to emphasis is that DN JP IS MUCH, MUCH BETTER THAN DN CN! Believe me.
First, you can revive for 5 times for free in each day, which is 2 times more than CN ver.; second, DN JP does not give you free cash shop items when you level up frequently like CN, but they do give you a pair of small, Cupid wings for 20 days. That is not bad at all. However, to be honest, I didn't enjoy those free cash shop items got from CN ver., because they are limited for a very short times (not more than 5 days, except a few others); third, there are less hackers on JP, but on CN, you can see some players keep posting message about hacking and other rubbish advertisements... really hate it; fourth, people on DN JP are more polite, I've just partied with some players yesterday, and I experienced the kind atmosphere a lot (don't party with them if you don't know Japanese, my advise here xDD); fifth, on CN, they have a system called "dragon eggs", at first I thought every region has this, but now I finally knew that is perhaps CN only! You can get copper/silver/gold dragon eggs/talons randomly, and if you get a 3S rank, you will have the chance to get diamond eggs. But, the problem is, talons to open gold/diamond eggs can only be found in the cash shop... gosh, they use this way to earn money (though those eggs may have more rare/epic items), and for non-real-money players, those eggs are absolutely rubbish... I hate this too. I can't enjoy a rare weapon or something else when I get a 3S rank... :wai:
However, the disadvantage of JP ver. is it's more troublesome to launch the game, and stuff in the cash shop is more expensive. xD
Much of complaint already... Okay, back to my topic... what I want to write is actually my recent experience on DN JP!!! I guess I'll do it in my next post. :P

❋ Annabel healed me~

From my last.fm profile, you can see I've been playing arcane/Annabel's album "Seisai no Astraia" for a lot of times. I love this album, and I've found another real healing voice.
Annabel. I knew her from Higurashi series, but I really paid more attention to binaria, where she and Yanaginagi collabed. Finally, I was interested to get more her own music, so I got this album.
This is a conception album, yet I did not really understand the world of it and some backgrounds. I just enjoyed the music. From the title, it is supposed to be a very ambitious work. However, the first half of the album, yes, and no for the second half. For me, the second half is rather warm and cosy. All tracks have a good connection to each other. You'll not think anything that does not fit into the entire setting of the world. From slow to fast, or relax to intense. This album is really different from those average doujin music, I mean, they are excellent. The melody can make you comfortable and relaxed. This album fits a silent rainy or snowy day, you stay at home and enjoy the music with the serenity.
I'm really lazy to write something like a review; I just STRONGLY RECOMMEND this album. Each track is worth to be loved. Yet I still have my own favourites: track 5, 10, 13 and 14. especially 10 and 13, I have been looping them for times. … and… because I loved track 13 so suddenly, I tried to record it…
Ohh, to sing a slow and gentle song is so difficult!
P.S. Just got Akiko Shikata's 2010 concert single and the songs are good!
I've figured out how to connect to Dragon Nest JP, so I will be able to use the serial code of the white wings I got from buying KOKIA's "long journey" mini album!!!! Oh Yeeeees!! :clap:

♧ Re-construction and…

Hmmm…. Long time no blogging… :down:
However, as you saw, I've changed my blog template again, to the new "whitish butterfly" theme. I know that's a stupid name for a blog template, but that was what I thought up at the very moment…
The reason? I was kind of getting bored with my faint blue template, and still believed that a white template is always perfect since it's clean and neat. Later, when I was strolling on lastfm, I saw someone's profile having a link to her website, and that was a web material site. Ohh, yes, I got inspired and drove myself crazy to make a new template.
I love this template, but the only problem is, my small netbook can only show the middle area, which the side vertical butterfly decorations are not visible due to the small screen… lol
Another thing, using emoji, was always what I would like to spend time on. I love to use some – not too many of – emoticons while blogging, however, that was not easy to link each one in terms of html code. So I found in someone's blog, in which using a java script to enable the convention from code to images, and that's what you see now in my blog, I've installed the gray penguin, pesogin, in my blog. Welcome, pesotan~~ :yes: I first saw that penguin since 2005 or around, but didn't know more about it, and I was happy to find out the real name now~!
– and I'm not regretful anymore that converted from MyO to Blogger! Oh, well, I'm still an Opera user, you see~ :tea:
The last thing. I really love Dragon Nest! I know I've said that before, but just want to say it again. Currently, I'm 4 levels to go to the ultimate lv40, and I did enjoy a lot. I more and more want the NA version launches, and… oh, I wonder where the person got the information, but I just saw on wikipedia, they said DN's NA version will be released on Jan-27, 2011…
!!! is that true…?
Anyway, I'm looking forward that. I'll definitely play again even from the very beginning. This time, the classes I will try are not supposed to be changed a lot. Basically, force user, priest, and bowmaster (now, I'm play a bowmaster at lv20 sometimes). I've made my warrior becoming a swordmaster, but I guess I have to drop this class. I really don't like melee yet being a warrior you have to stay close to monsters… which is too hard to control for me… so as the fourth character, I might try an element lord! I love mages sure enough! :teruteru:
Oh, I forgot to say…
GARNET CROW is gonna release a new album!!!
"parallel universe"

Limited version

Regular version
However, why this design reminds me the world of Oz? XDD
According to their short message (shown on their homepage), this album will definitely give you a happy feeling. It will also be another trying for them to gain another style. Sounds good, I'm looking forward it (I don't know if to buy it though, depends my own feeling later :P).
Also, during KOKIA's winter concert, "winter rose", they will release a memorial trump…
Ohhh, I WANT IT!!!!!
Yet it must be a good at the live house... T__T
However, in the end of this year, I just wish I can post more and finish most of my German textbook~! :P

♧ sidetrack

November 12th. I'm not in the mood to work properly.
Out of anyone's expectation, our dear boss appeared in his office around 11:00!! His regular working time is 13/14:00 - sometime in the evening/mignight. You see...
But he left his office soon after he arrived, so I guess he must have a meeting/seminar/etc or he couldn't come that early!!
He tends to talk with me more often than before, which makes me nervous to see him. I'm not having the same thought as him, so I don't want to follow his schedule and just want to do my work in my own scheduled arrangement... orz
Also, my current work is to refine an alignment including 37 sequences. Mostly, that was not hard to do, but you know, you always see some special guys among a harmonic group. Those unique sequences made me headache, and took much longer than I ever thought to finish them.
Yesterday was holiday, so I got a day off from work. I spent the whole day being in front of Kosmoton--my dear snow-white VAIO--tried to finish another new chapters of my story, but... when my day ended at near 2AM, I only finished 1.25 chapters. Ohh, must be quicker from now on, or I can't catch up the word count!!!
↓ my current progress on Nano
(side story: just while inserting the html code for this screenshot, I was confusing html code with BBcode... -__-|| )
Because needed to concentrate, I listened to a lot of soundtracks, and got addicted to the OSTs of "Chrno Crusade" composed by Hikaru Nanase; I also got addicted to music from "Haibane Remnei". Therefore, my last.fm listening record told me my daily tracks have been increased up to 109 tracks per day!! LOL Superb!
By the way, yesterday I looped arcane x Annabel's "西征のアストライア (Nishisei no Astoria) (I don't know how to read the kanji though...)" for more than 6 times!! I'm not a kind of person who does lots of research about the story inside an album--I do care about them somehow, but not too much, it may be way too exhausting. However, I didn't read the lyrics/introduction page at all yet, I just looped the song. OMG, I had never loved Annabel's voice that much, even for binaria!!!
Anyway, now I'm looping binaria's new M3-26 release: "delightful doomsday". Firstly when I heard of this title, I thought it's too weird. But the songs were really very good. Still the typical binaria style, mysterious, unique, beautiful and serene. Ohhh, I got excited by the second song "花紺青/sumaruto (it means a series of blue-violet colours; yet can also mean 'cobalt glass')" a lot. I guess I would try to cover it when November goes away!! XD
This morning, by chance I opened my translation of KOKIA's 2010 Europe tour blogs, and got shot... how could I forgot to translate one of those posts? Must be because I copy-pasted all her posts, then click and translate them one by one, thus I omit one of them... kay, I will finish it after November... T__T
Yet it's so strange that I do the translating work only for myself though I actually understand Japanese. :P
In last weekend, I got the BGM box of "Legend of the Galactic Heroes", two box sets, 22 CDs!! So I had to spend 2 days on tagging them... which was entirely nuts. I was lucky, since I dropped my idea to tag each track with the composer's name. xD and, got inspired by all those music, I found the novel again, and planned to read it sometime later. I just feel sad each time when look at the death of each character I like... *sigh*
Currently I'm reading Haruki Murakami's "Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World" Japanese version, on a snail pace though. I remembered my high school days, with my electronic dictionary, I've read so many novels, including some Jules Verne and Yoshiki Yanaka. Ahh, so nostalgic~~ so, time to read them again, when November ends, of course.
I'm still playing "Dragon Nest", and wish it can be available in NA soon! I love my sorceress!! <3
Suddenly, I wanted to change my blog template again... yet I have no idea right now. ^^;
And I guess I should end my randomly written sidetrack. ;)

❈ Eventually I’m still sticky to Google...

Flickr.com, I guess there are tons of fans of that website. As a amateur photo-taker, I ever would like to have a flickr account and to share my own stuff.
However, every time I ended up with deleting my flickr account with few photos uploaded--for most of times, I deleted my account before uploading anything!
The reason was simply: I don’t like the style of yahoo accounts. Plain ugly.
However, once and once again, I still imagined to own a flickr and share with others--though I’m a real google picasa user, I would like an unlimited uploading space--on that point, I think I won’t mind the monthly limited space.
So this morning, I stepped onto that website again, for no reason, or maybe just got bored from during work.
Ohh, what I saw? Sign in with your google account! Does it mean my previous active yahoo account is rubbish now? Sounds exciting enough and I signed in with my primary google account, got a new username called “harvetasya”--don’t ask me why, you’re supposed to know what I like! :P
While enjoying figuring out my new flickr profile, filling all blanks and changing the settings, I came to the page where you can change the accessibility.
And the problem came.
None (include I myself) can get the access to the original photo, because I’m a free user.
What?! That’s darn stupid! Who would like to pay ~$25 each year and enabling some pointless extra features? There are people doing that, but just not me! Comparing with it, get 20GB by $5 each year at google storage is such a luck.
I was very annoyed. Eventually, what I really enjoyed about this morning’s working was only the username. People have their own preference, I can comment nothing on that, but for me, flickr is just way too stupid and very unfriendly. I was planning to share my single photos onto flicker and use picasa mainly for batch uploading, but now, hmm fine, good-bye flickr; I won’t be back to flickr, this time, for real.

✾ Good Humor, Good Product

I've been switching to use google Japanese IME for several months, and I really love it. Though it does not have the function which I need most, which is to switch among Latin letters, numbers and kana (mainly because my laptop doesn't have a standard Japanese keyboard), I still love it and had never wanted to use MS IME again. Almost all Google products favored me—well, I can't refuse the fact that I prefer OPERA than Chrome, yet I do use the two browsers when Opera comes to an incompatible issue. ^^;
Google Japanese IME has a similar interface to MS IME, but it gives you a tinier, faster, and neater interface. Based on the huge web information, g-IME has integrated much, much more Japanese vocabularies that you may not find from a traditional dictionary—yet it doesn't require an Internet-based environment, the dictionary has been built in the IME itself, which is awesome.
It also has its own memory, which means, it can learn your typing habit and makes your typing easier and faster. I love its typing suggestion too; I save much of time on that point. Moreover, like what google stated, it's very stable, I only had a few crashes caused by unknown problems, well, forgive that, g-IME is still in Beta!!
This IME is really awesome. I was reading the developing comic about it in early of this day, which was the really reason inspired me to write about it.
By chance, I clicked the link to their developing comic. You can find it here: http://www.google.co.jp/ime/comic/
It's in Japanese, I won't translate it, cause I know people who would like to read about it must somehow know some Japanese, and probably someone has translated it… I guess… ^^
I know the Japanese is good at making the sense of humor, yet I never knew their humor is everywhere. Like a short video clip, this comic introduced us into the whole developing story of google Japanese IME; it told you from the very beginning, and described several very technical points in an easy-to-get way. I don't think I could even laugh if that was an official developing diary or blog—they are way too formal. Here, in the form of comic, everything was described well, decent, delightful, and of course, funny.
Just one page from the entire comic, which is describing things about converting romaji to kana and selecting a user-preferred key-bind:

I love the robot so much! :P
See, the robot is knocking the kana out from a big romaji, instead of the converting, and in the bottom, the robot are taking lots of key-binds, ohh, there are so many choices for the users if you use the google IME! Likewise, the comic is all saying things like this, in the simple way.
This product was made from their huge sense of humor; I can feel it very much.